Some background: I am a graduate student who has been an atheist / agnostic for most of my adult life. Over the course of the past year or so, I have learned more about Catholicism and determined that I
might want to enter the Church. I decided to attend RCIA in hopes that it would help me grow in faith and add some structure to my learning.
But we have only had two meetings so far, and I have come out of both feeling very confused. What we’re being taught / the spirit of the class does not seem to mesh with what I have read elsewhere. For instance:
- One of the people in my class (not a baptized Catholic, if it matters) mentioned during our class discussion that he has been taking communion in the Catholic Church for a few months now. The lady in charge said nothing to him about it, but I thought that our taking communion before Easter was unacceptable. If this is the case, why didn’t she clarify for the benefit of anyone there who didn’t know?
- Our one guest speaker so far talked to us about how “God is love” (this part was fine, I guess) and “God doesn’t judge anyone” (what?!). I had thought that God had a more multifaceted nature - that part of what defines God is that He does judge us, and that He loves us anyway.
Maybe these shouldn’t be big issues, but I’m doing RCIA because I want to learn Church doctrine. The class already feels very uncomfortable to me - like we’re just learning about how ‘nice’ God is, while glossing over the more difficult points.
Am I completely wrong to be worried about this? Should I assume it’s just because we’re early on in the learning process?