Well, it sounds like you need to get a new sponsor and/or find another church that does RCIA. The problem is that RCIA is supposed to be where people can ask questions and get answers to things they might get hung up on. So, if these people have hangups about the Catholic Faith they need to ask questions, get answers and figure out if it’s a deal breaker or not.Hello
1- The other people in the group don’t take dismissal seriously and often make light of what we are doing and use dismissal as a time to complain about their problems, make jokes about the faith and bash on other religions. I hit the ceiling when a gal grabbed the bible and flipped to the scripture smirked and said " I guess I’ll do story-time today." My mouth is still on the ground.Code:I'm having a horrible experience. I only need confirmation but I was advised to go through the process to better prepare me. Ugh! I'm not liking it at all. Here's why:
2- Never let the parish provide you a sponsor. I don’t have a sponsor and am now stuck with a gal who totally dislikes me. Please find a nice catholic peep who is willing to hang out with you. Never let a stranger be your sponsor. It would have been better to have just not started RCIA at all. I wish I knew someone who was catholic to sponsor me. This feels like an arranged marriage and we are both miserable.
3- No one makes a peep or ask any questions but complains bitterly after class that they are not being catechized well. In short people dislike a lot of the tenets of the faith but don’t want to admit it but don’t mind whining later on about not understanding.
4- The communion of saints. Oh good gravy! The recoil when we hit that subject was visible from outer space! No one seems to dig this aspect of the faith and has done nothing but complain about why we revere the V.M. Ugh! When those rosary pamphlets came out all heck broke loose. We lost one gal because of it. I adore the saints and have a strong devotion to the V.M. and I don’t understand why there is such a closed minded attitude about it. The V.M. is the mother of our Lord sheesh get over it!
Take Care M
As far as the person saying calling the bible “story time”, that person shouldn’t even be there if they don’t have the basic belief that the bible is sacred scripture. It’s very disrepectful to make such a comment among faithful people and those forming their faith. I would have probably gave him/her an ear full for that.