Sounds like a wonderful idea. Perhaps we could also just have people leave to have a picnic or sit in their cars after the homily and have EMHCs bring the Eucharist to their blanket or car windows. Might even be better to just have a drive through window where EMHCs distribute without people having to get out of their cars.That happens at my Parish, sponsors leave with candidates. We make a ceremony of it. Inviting them to the front for blessing. The sponsors can get communion outside mass by a communion minister giving it to them in the presbytery right after mass. Just like the ministers go to homes of the sick to give communion. Esp if the sponsors work during the week and cant attend daytime masses.
Could you suggest that? Its only 5 minutes for a special minister after mass.
Sorry for sounding snarky but the Liturgy of the Eucharist is IMPORTANT. We do not have the liturgy of the Word and then receive communion, but rather there is a completely different liturgy in the Eucharist. If it was just about receiving the Eucharist then the priest could simply pre-consecrate the Body and Blood and leave after the homily to let EMHCs distribute. We don’t do that because there is a mystery that ties us to the upper room and to that eternal moment on Calvary. It is a miracle that is the center of our faith. If one cannot be present for various reasons it is a tragedy and receiving the Eucharist apart from being present is a balm that does not replace what is lost. In many daily masses there are already enough consecrated hosts for the priest and the congregation, and yet the priest still consecrates at least one at every mass. If it was just about receiving the Eucharist then it would make sense to skip it if there are enough host for distribution.
I know that you and others are truly trying to be helpful, but it kills me that one of the most Holy and beautiful parts of the Mass is reduced to not a big deal since you can receive later. It’s a little like saying being their at your child’s birth or at your parent’s bedside when they die isn’t a big deal since you can hold the baby later or visit their grave afterwards. Neither of those things are remotely like being present at the event. Please everyone remember that in the Eucharistic liturgy we encounter the whole of salvation in a single moment. The event is just not receiving the Eucharist, but is being in the upper room and being at Christ’s side as he gives up his life for the remission of our sins.
It makes me heart sick that people don’t understand how we encounter the divine in such a unique way in the Eucharistic Liturgy.