Ok. So last night at the Assumption Vigil, one of the RCIA Team asked me to stay for RCIA and she wanted to know if I would sponsor if they needed me. I said sure, I’d be happy to. Then when she said for me to go tell the rest of the Team so they could get my name, etc. I got mixed feelings from them and the whole time I was there I kept getting mixed responses from everyone and it was almost like I wasn’t “welcome”.
I would love to sponsor if the do need me (I don’t have a specific person to sponsor as of yet), but the feeling I’m having is that maybe I shouldn’t be there?
Do any of you have any suggestions? Should I keep going to RCIA just so I’m there if they need me and to get to know everyone or should I just contact one of the team members and say here’s my info, if you need me call me?
I’m just kind of torn as to what to do! Thanks!
I would love to sponsor if the do need me (I don’t have a specific person to sponsor as of yet), but the feeling I’m having is that maybe I shouldn’t be there?
Do any of you have any suggestions? Should I keep going to RCIA just so I’m there if they need me and to get to know everyone or should I just contact one of the team members and say here’s my info, if you need me call me?
I’m just kind of torn as to what to do! Thanks!