Hi! At my Parish, the RCIA students have to leave Mass before Commuion. Is this a standard policy? If so, why? Thanks for your replies!!!
They leave right after the Homily to go discuss the Scripture readings. It is part of the RCIA class.Hi! At my Parish, the RCIA students have to leave Mass before Commuion. Is this a standard policy? If so, why? Thanks for your replies!!!
Yes, I JUST finished RCIA and we were dismissed after the homily. I was told it dates back to making sure that non-Christians weren’t around to participate in Eucharist. This practice is common to all RCIA programs as far as I know - they want the candidates/catechumens to hear the Liturgy of the Word, but since they cannot participate in the Eucharist, they leave to study.Hi! At my Parish, the RCIA students have to leave Mass before Commuion. Is this a standard policy? If so, why? Thanks for your replies!!!
Yes, this should be the standard for Catechumens. The reason is in the early Church unbaptized persons were not allowed to remain for the Liturgy of the Eucharist and this is just a reflection of that practice.Hi! At my Parish, the RCIA students have to leave Mass before Commuion. Is this a standard policy? If so, why? Thanks for your replies!!!
persons engaged in preparation for reception into the Catholic Church through the RCIA process are called catechumens (if they are not baptized) and are properly dismissed after the readings and homily, and before the Creed and prayer of the faithful. Their instruction is based largely upon the readings. In additions, they receive doctrinal instruction that may be drawn from the readings, or in format that follows another systematic structure.Hi! At my Parish, the RCIA students have to leave Mass before Commuion. Is this a standard policy? If so, why? Thanks for your replies!!!
It was important in the early Church because spys were looking to find out who was Christian so that they could make plans to kill you. Generally that is not a problem today in most places.My class wasn’t dismissed. I actually liked it better that way. All of us had been going to Mass for at least a few months before beginning RCIA, and we always stayed for the entire Mass (since if there is still a requirement that those not fully initiated leave before the Mass of the Faithful, nobody knew about it).
Again we pray for those who bear fruit and do goodworks in this holy and revered temple, for those who labor and those whosing, and for the people present who await of thee a great and rich mercy.
*Choir:* Lord,have mercy. *thrice*
This was one of the things that really annoyed me when I was a candidate. It made sense in the early Church, because no non-communicants were allowed to be present. It makes no sense to attend Mass after Mass as an inquirer and then to be told that once you are accepted as a candidate you have to leave. For me, as someone coming from the Episcopal Church (though I’d only been Episcopalian for about a year and a half), it felt really weird. I’m medieval enough that I could have been satisfied with just adoring the Blessed Sacrament and not receiving, but being sent out to a Bible study (which frankly was not very edifying) felt like spiritual starvation. I stood it for two months and scurried back to the Episcopal Church (obviously being sent out of Mass wasn’t the main reason for this, but it contributed to my frustration).They leave right after the Homily to go discuss the Scripture readings. It is part of the RCIA class.
They are not fully initiated into the Church so they are not yet bound to the Holy Day of Obligation and its not like they are leaving early anyways as they are going to talk about the Scripture readings.
As a Candidate you DO NOT leave. As a Baptized Christian you have a right and obligation to remain for the Liturgy of the Eucharist! ONLY the Catechumens, those NOT Baptized are dismissed. Candidates can join the Catechumens for continued discussion after Mass is over.We leave right after the homily. I am a candidate. When I can attend weekday masses, I do stay for the entire mass and receive a blessing.
I wish I could stay for the whole Mass on Sundays. I stayed when my daughter received her first communion…it was SO beautiful.