Ask her to stick to the Catechism and that RCIA is not for speculation.
Here’s the book from a site that is in union with the Holy Father:Speaking of this book, I’ve found a site [snipped schismatic website] which appears to contain the entire text. Haven’t compared it word for word with my hard copy but it appears accurate at first glance. There are also some pesky pop-ups. Enjoy. Its a great read!
**SACRA TRIDENTINA **About not taking the communion prior to 1881, she said it was not uncommon for Catholics not too because everyone figured they were living in such a corrupt and immoral time that they didnt deserve to take communion.
Puzzleanie is correct about Jansenism, and * SACRA TRIDENTINA* was written in response to the heresy of Jansenism.There is an evolution in attitudes toward communion, and in emphasis on teaching about the sacrament of Eucharist that began after the French Revolution, and in part as response and recovery to the Jansenist heresy that was prevalent in Europe from the 17th c onward.
The way we receive Holy Communion is a matter of church discipline, and the proper way to receive is the way that that the bishop of your particular Rite instructs you to receive. If you are a Melkite Catholic, you must obey the discipline of your bishop, and if you are a Latin Rite Catholic, you must obey the discipline imposed by your bishop. The important thing is obedience to the authority that God has placed above you, and to receive Holy Communion with reverence. Reverence is what is in your heart, and one can easily receive the Eucharist in the hand with reverence in the heart.Also she indicated that the proper way to take communion was in the hand, but I have heard on this site that it is supposed to be by mouth.
So then what happened in 1881 to change this? There must have been some kind of a document encouraging this “new” practice of reading the bible. What document is that? A check of papalencylicals.net for the years around 1881 doesn’t turn up any encyclical on the subject of reading scripture.Ok I called her and she went into further detail. She said that prior to 1881 reading the Bible was not encouraged because they didnt want people to read it and understand it wrong. The Bible is hard to interpret so the Church was afriad of people getting the wrong interpretation and leaving the church.
AMEN!!!Ask her to stick to the Catechism and that RCIA is not for speculation.
Yikes! I’ve never explored the site I previously posted beyond the text of the book (there doesn’t seem to be a link to their home page).Here’s the book from a site that is in union with the Holy Father: