Re: Gifts?

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Okay I have been reading about Divination and the like in the CCC and since I was a child I have received “premonitions” or “knowing things were going to happen” etc etc…

Now I don’t conjure up any demons or devils to “see” images or things in my dreams. They just come to my mind at any given time. For instance I saw images of my first house one year before we bought it. Not just the house but where items were located in specific rooms…items that we hadn’t even purchased yet.

Most of the time this knowledge that comes to me is a forwarning about VERY bad people that I have encountered throughout my life. After being subjected to several individuals that turned out to be in league with the devil, I have finally put the pieces together as signs from God to stay away!!! Things like a dreadfull headache and sick stomach whenever around those people.

So is this gift the work of the devil or a gift from God? Am trying to figure out how Sylvia Browne and John Edwards fit into the envelope with their talents…I know Sylvia was brought up Catholic bc she spoke of this one time. ( I have only seen her once on TV and never read any of her books).

Thanks to those who can answer this.
Okay I have been reading about Divination and the like in the CCC and since I was a child I have received “premonitions” or “knowing things were going to happen” etc etc…

Now I don’t conjure up any demons or devils to “see” images or things in my dreams. They just come to my mind at any given time. For instance I saw images of my first house one year before we bought it. Not just the house but where items were located in specific rooms…items that we hadn’t even purchased yet.

Most of the time this knowledge that comes to me is a forwarning about VERY bad people that I have encountered throughout my life. After being subjected to several individuals that turned out to be in league with the devil, I have finally put the pieces together as signs from God to stay away!!! Things like a dreadfull headache and sick stomach whenever around those people.

So is this gift the work of the devil or a gift from God? Am trying to figure out how Sylvia Browne and John Edwards fit into the envelope with their talents…I know Sylvia was brought up Catholic bc she spoke of this one time. ( I have only seen her once on TV and never read any of her books).

Thanks to those who can answer this.

God gives gifts beyond our ablity to understand and it would not be beyond him to have blessed you with special gifts. What is important though is to get a good spirutial director, that is in line with Rome to give you guidance and assistance understanding God’s will in these matters. For your own protection as well as the greater Glory of God please find a SD that can help you understand what is going on here.

God Bless and Be Safe
I’m going to concur–you really need a good, sound, orthodox spiritual director with whom you can discuss these instances. As long as you are not seeking out the premonitions, it may well be that these are divine in origin–but that’s not certain. The temptation comes from the possibility of seeking them out in the future, and those sought out can be diabolic in origin, even if previous ones were divine in origin.

I’ve had some spiritual experiences with hearing voices myself, and one very strong premonition (actually, several connected ones, related to the death of one of my cousins who was 200 miles away at the time). There is no substitute for having a spiritual director whose guidance you can rely on–this may or may not be a priest (or retired priest, even), and it’s a heavy commitment on the part of the person who agrees to be a spiritual director, but do seek one.
I agree with you guys…and no I don’t seek out the premonitions.

But the only odd occurance was what drew me into the Catholic Church as “the last straw”. We (me and my husband) befriended a coworker of my husband’s this past winter. She got to know us and then totally blew us away with a scheme to try to steal my husband away from me! Turns out she was a total liar and was going to get us some great jobs and the jobs were bogus. We’re not really sure why she did this and neither is her family. She had us and the entire workplace under the assumption that she was divorced and raising two kids alone, when it turned out she was married and NEVER divorced or separated. Her husband was at home every night…:eek:

anyway…this whole ordeal got out of hand and the deception was so great that I filed for divorce bc I didn’t know or understand what was going on. This woman was going back and forth with us with lies she made up that “each” one of us supposedly said about one another. It was terrible. My husband fell for every lie bc this woman had him so convinced that he was going to get this great job and he was doing everything to keep it. Even if it meant divorcing me when he didn’t want to. My “job” was going to be in a different town than his and we have a small child and he didn’t want to “share” him. This was the woman’s plan, to separate us so that she could seduce him??? There is more to tell but will leave it for 20/20 Dateline Episode. My husband says she totally brainwashed him.

And at my HOUR of need, I cried out for help from someone. And I got it from Mary. My entire house was filled the next day with the scent of Roses. (I own NO perfume and I am allergic to Rose Fragrances -I should know I am a soapmaker too and I do work out of my house in a studio/lab setting).

There were no roses in bloom during the month of March when this occured and we had nothing that has fragrance in the house bc of our allergies. After doing some reading one day and learning the Rosary, I heard on a show that someone else had experienced the scent of roses or perfume, and that this was known to Catholics as our lady of the Rosary having been present and answered your calling.

I do think I was touched by her ( Mary ) because at a time when I should have a heart filled with hate for this psycho woman that tried to destroy our lives, I had quite the opposite feeling. I felt sorry for her that she had to lie all the time and I didn’t hate her like most people would have. I also felt a sense of calm that things would be just fine. So I have kept up my side of the “bargain” and join the Catholic Church!!!

It was truly an amazing experience and I remember it daily as I gaze at my statue of Mary in my garden!

I would like to comment on the idea of seeking them out. I do believe that God wants us to seek out supernatural abilities and use them ONLY so as to give him greater glory. For instance seeking them for your own sake, or out of just plain fascination can clearly be seen as wrong, however for the most part God may want you to refine this gift and use them for his greater glory. I have had countless occurances with things similar. IE:Words of Knowledge, Prophecy, ect… I would suggest finding a spiritual director who will help you develope your gift as well so that God may be glorified, because it is a perfectly Biblical gift. See 1corinthians 12, and all through out the book of Acts things like this were common place and the holy Father desires to see people living a life of supernatural power so long as to bring people closer to Jesus Christ.
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