RE: my Jehovah Witness Mom says the rosary is idolatry- how would you respond?

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She told me that any visible “tokens” of Catholicism
(even crosses, my miraculous medal, etc.)
are all forms of idoplatry- and of course I do not
go along with that belief system at all…
She spotted my rosary in my purse
and got this wierd look in her eye
and exclaimed “Get that thing out of my house!
That is an idol”… i felt like a little girl being scolded
for getting caught with hands in the cookie jar-
Anyway, how would YOU respond?
She told me that any visible “tokens” of Catholicism
(even crosses, my miraculous medal, etc.)
are all “forms of idolatry”- and of course I do not
go along with that belief system at all…
She spotted my rosary in my purse
and got this wierd look in her eye
and exclaimed “Get that thing out of my house!
That is an idol”… i felt like a little girl being scolded
for getting caught with hands in the cookie jar-
Anyway, how would YOU (respectfully) respond
and deal with this?
Tell her you are not practicing idolatry because you are not worshipping the cross, rosary or other animate objects. You worshop God, period.
Hi Dalonia,

The dictionary says an idol is “…an image used as an object of worship…”; further, idolatry is defined as “…the worship of idols.”

Obviously, your rosary is not an object of your worship. You might point out to your mother that you do not worship your rosary, but that it is simply a tool or aid to help you pray. To be guilty of idolatry, one would have to view the rosary itself as being God.

Hope this is helpful, peace and blessings to you and your mother.
In Exodus 25:18-22; 26:1; and 26:31 God commanded that religious images be made. The Jews did not worship these images as gods (which would have constituted idolatry). Likewise, Catholics do not believe that Mary or any of the other saints are gods. We do not believe that the Rosary, religious statues, or even statues of Christ himself (including crucifixes) are physical presences of any god. They are merely statues and we DON’T worship them. We treat them with reverence and respect because of what they represent and what they remind us of, not because of what they are (wood, plaster, metal, and/or plastic).

I can’t argue with your mom no more further, the others who posted has made good points.

My suggestion however is this: let her know the history of her religion. Who was its founder–and point out that this founder had made so many predictions about the end of time and all were false. You can find some information about that here at Catholic Answers website. Now, tell her also that she is loved by Jesus and anyone who loves Jesus and serves Him will not just inherit the earth, but will be with Him for all eternity in heaven–not just the 144,000 being described in the Bible. There’s a lot of space in heaven for all believers.

Next time you see your Mom, bring her a little statue of Jesus as a gift, along with some Catholic Answers tracts.


How open is your Mom to talking about hers and your beliefs? Is she willing to listen?
I would ask her how the Rosary is idolatry when we are asking Mary to pray for us (1 Timothy 2:1) “Holy Mary, mother of God, PRAY FOR US SINNERS…”

Also, I would turn the tables and ask her how her worship services fulfill Malachi 1:11. Incense, representing praise? Maybe they have that, but they don’t have the PURE OFFERING which is required in worship, hence it is deficient, and they don’t really worship God, since no sacrifice is done.

How open is your Mom to talking about hers and your beliefs? Is she willing to listen?
Not very open at all, actually–
something like she’s right and everyone else isn’t…
oh well…
thanks, though, for the encouragement!
How old are you?
We don’t want you getting kicked outta the house for our advice, even if it is good stuff. please rest assured that your mom’s iconoclasm is just part of her religion, (& in error, as you can see).
this very site has some great tracts for dealing w/ the JWs. Here’s the link. Maybe they will help. I’ll be praying for ya. hang in there.
just be :cool:

Michael M.I.
Well, considering how described her as an hard-headed believer, you will probably only aggravate the situation by trying to explain the things you believe in. She will most likely ignore what you have to say if she believes herself right and everyone else wrong.

Here’s a suggestion: ask your mother for books to read on the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Or better yet, go look for some on your own. Get books which tell what the Jehovah’s witnesses believe and why they believe it. Read the many articles, both evangelical and Catholic, that deal with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In short, know more about the JW religion than your mother herself knows.

Then, once you do this, find weak spots in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Don’t tell them to your mom, but one day just casually ask your mom why the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus was not God. She’ll probably give you a few verses which she believes support this false claim. Then, ask her questions which lead to other verses that support the notion that Jesus is in fact God. Get your mother to reflect on what she believes.

I’m sure that there are others here who can help you better than me. Perhaps someone who is an ex-Jehovah’s Witness might be able to help you. Whatever the case, please feel free to continue asking us questions.
JW’s are the same people who think saying the pledge of alliegiance is idolatry and refrain from swearing on a Bible in court. It’s fundamentalism runk amok to the extreme degree.
As long as your in the house don’t bang heads to hard. Even though your right be humble and respectful in your disagrement. I know that’s going to be hard. The more independence you gain the harder you can bang heads but be careful as long as you live in the house she can pretty much set the rules. Hopefully she can respect your own decission without resorting to taking away your catholic treasures. If she allows you to have them and she just verbally snipes at you for keeping them be happy that you can keep them and put up with the nonsense.
the rosary is a prayer about Jesus, JWs do not believe Jesus is God, so to them, yes the rosary would be idolotry, so would any prayer to and about Jesus.
She told me that any visible “tokens” of Catholicism
(even crosses, my miraculous medal, etc.)
are all forms of idoplatry- and of course I do not
go along with that belief system at all…
She spotted my rosary in my purse
and got this wierd look in her eye
and exclaimed “Get that thing out of my house!
That is an idol”… i felt like a little girl being scolded
for getting caught with hands in the cookie jar-
Anyway, how would YOU respond?
My late father turned against the Church, but before I was born I learned that he used to hang around a priest that had a speech impediment.
The priest amazinly could only speak properly when saying Mass, the priest had a great devotion to Saint Teresa (little flower)
So I used to deliberatly leave religious books laying around the house, one day I caught him reading them.(Saint Teresa books)
I think if your Mum is not open to talking about it,then prayer and example is the best way.
If I was in your situation I would pray with the weapon she hates, the Rosary.
They also don’t believe in voting either.
JW’s are the same people who think saying the pledge of alliegiance is idolatry and refrain from swearing on a Bible in court. It’s fundamentalism runk amok to the extreme degree.
As long as your in the house don’t bang heads to hard. Even though your right be humble and respectful in your disagrement. I know that’s going to be hard. The more independence you gain the harder you can bang heads but be careful as long as you live in the house she can pretty much set the rules. Hopefully she can respect your own decission without resorting to taking away your catholic treasures. If she allows you to have them and she just verbally snipes at you for keeping them be happy that you can keep them and put up with the nonsense.
Having spent 1 & 1/2 years with the jws, many years ago, I am familar with their beliefs. Interestingly, They base their entire system of belief on various Bible verses taken out of context, a large part from the Old Testament (or the Hebrew Scriptures, as they refer to it.) They ignore or call spurious anything in Scripture that contradicts the the verses they’ve chosen as a belief back-up. They appeal to folks who have no belief but are searching. They’ve done their own Bible translation, “the new world translation” which they’ve adjusted to prop up their take on religion. Re: MADAGLEN’s post, I HIGHLY suggest that you learn all you can about why they believe as they do, learn their history (short!) and be VERY conversant on The Roman Catholic Church. The jws are easy to refute if you are well learned in The True Church. Be aware: jws are bitterly anti-Catholic.
But 1st and foremost, keep all religious conversations as charitable as possible. 🙂
I recommend the following:

Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain & Defend the Catholic Faith (Father Frank Chacon & Jim Burnham) gives clear, biblical answers to the most common objections Catholics get about their faith. Helps you explain your faith clearly, defend it charitably, and share it confidently. 40 pages ($5.95)

Beginning Apologetics 2: How to Answer Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Father Frank Chacon & Jim Burnham) targets the major beliefs of these two aggressive groups, and shows you how to refute them using Scripture, history, and common sense. Foreword by Patrick Madrid. 40 pages ($5.95)

You Should Believe in the Trinity: How to Answer Jehovah’s Witnesses Beginning Apologetics 2.5: Yes!(Father Frank Chacon & Jim Burnham) refutes the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ attack on the Trinity and provides a clear, concise theology of the Trinity. 24 pages ($4.95)
  1. If your mother is a serious JW, and the Kingdom Hall knows that you are a Catholic, why hasn’t your mother been told to “mark and avoid” you? She should be treating you as if you didn’t exist. Second, I would tell her, as kindly and lovingly as possible, that you go where your rosary goes. If she kicks the rosary out, she kicks you out with it.
She told me that any visible “tokens” of Catholicism
(even crosses, my miraculous medal, etc.)
are all forms of idoplatry- and of course I do not
go along with that belief system at all…
She spotted my rosary in my purse
and got this wierd look in her eye
and exclaimed “Get that thing out of my house!
That is an idol”… i felt like a little girl being scolded
for getting caught with hands in the cookie jar-
Anyway, how would YOU respond?
Thanks all for your points of view
and the links as well. 🙂
I once had a friend that was very precious to me, she became a JW. I was sick about it for months, literally ill! I couldn’t sleep. I wept, I vomited. I actually considered violence, fighting this can make you crazy. It burned me out.

I could follow the process of her conversion through our conversations, she was raised a Baptist and had a habit of saying stuff like “Thank You Jesus!, Thank You Lord!” when something surprisingly good would happen (like a bill got paid!).

When she stopped saying that I knew they had convinced her that Jesus was not God. Actually, according to the JW’s Jesus is an incarnation of Michael the Archangel, and therefore a creature. The Holy Spirit is an active force, or action of God, not a person of the Trinity.

The conversion process goes in stages, like an advancing disease, they do not normally tell the newbie everything up front, there are certain points in a persons’ progress wherein they become ready for something new. You can observe this very predictable pattern from the outside if the person is willing to converse with you. (This they will do if they love you and want to save you too! ) This reminds me of the Mystery Cults which would have the neophyte advance in stages of understanding, although it is not marked out with rankings (as far as I know).

(This contrasts with Catholicism which, as we know, is an open book. Everything our church teaches is available for scrutiny by anyone anywhere, Catholic Cathechisms of many varieties have been on sale in the open market for many, many years.)

Trying to reason with her was difficult because her eyes would glaze over and I could tell I wasn’t getting through.

Some doctrines seem to me what I call a gullibility test: as an example they profess that Christ was nailed to a single upright stake, not a cross. Once the new JW accepts this as true, they have passed an important point in their development and are ready for new information.

My girlfriend also would say stuff like “they told me you would say that” because the JW’s have this down to a science. They know all of our knee-jerk reactions, and all of our better arguments. Part of the many hours the neophyte devotes to the Kingdom Hall includes classes where they learn to refute our set-piece arguments. By convincing these people that the world is controlled by Satan and predicting our responses we actually validate the elders claims by giving these predictable responses!

My uncle is an elder in the JW’s, he is a great personality and very likeable but it tore his family apart, he hasn’t seen his daughter in years and his son only rarely. The children were raised JW’s and walked away from it, apparently the only conversations my cousins and uncle had for years were him trying to bring them back in.

This is a terrible scourge, my experiences with the JW’s have made me very reluctant to confront them again. It hurts too much. 😦

My advice to anyone encountering this for the first time is read all you can on it. You will actually begin to predict what they will teach next and tell that person those doctrines ahead of time. They will be very surprised that you know so much when they go back to the elder and repeat what you said. (they will do that for certain, because the elder will be coaching them in what to say to you!) It might keep the lights on, it worked for me.
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