Serenal, you have the power of discernment, a treasured gift. Thank you for calming my spirit. And for reading my remarks, remember Jesus could not save everyone, he tried, Salvation, what is salvation to you Serenal how do you obtain it, is it free, do you work for it, is there commitment, Do you follow a path to it, what is the way the truth the light, why are there so many roads. Before one can enter the path, one must understand light, the pure light of Christ, The Bible cannot give it to you, the bible cannot baptize you, it cannot give you the Holy Ghost. It cannot even give you the power of or the Holy Order of GOD, It doesn’t teach you what humility is, what faith is or how to use it, it does not breathe, Christ was teaching the Jews that the scriptures are dead, that they must be alive in you, the change must come from Knowing, and knowing comes from knowing The Christ not in the writings but to have a perfect knowledge of him. Faith, Prayer, humility, broken heart and contrite spirit. You cannot bend the bow, if you have no streight, Salvation is not Free nor being redeemed . The Christ, is a real Resurrected being, full of glory, immortality. Not everyone who is religious will find him, because there hearts are far from him they are double minded. The JW only hope, is that if they are persecuted enough, and bad mouth, they will be saved. hence being a martyrdom. They think they have made it. Blind guides, the high priest of Jerusalem thought the same. Only the Holy Ghost can change the hearts of men, and I am not sure but I don’t think they believe in him, I could be wrong. I had a good ThankgivingThe 144,000 may not interest you, but it COULD pertain to your salvation. All of this “talking” is about teaching truth! Part of our responsibility as christians is to help lead others to Christ, particularly those who have been led astray. So if you have a working knowledge of why the JW doctrine about the 144,000 anointed ones is completely misguided, you may be able to get into a real discussion with a JW and perhaps get him to think and look more closely at what he’s being told to believe. Any JW who learns to think for himself eventually ceases to be a JW. Taking care of these poor people who are being led like lambs to the slaughter definitely pertains to your salvation, when you give an accounting to Christ about what you’ve done with the knowledge you’ve been given.
Just some food for thought. Have a happy Thanksgiving!