Reading Church Councils

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People have talked of how this Council taught this or that. I would like to actually read the Ecuminical Councils. There Canons and Consitutions. Where would it be possible to find such things?
People have talked of how this Council taught this or that. I would like to actually read the Ecuminical Councils. There Canons and Consitutions. Where would it be possible to find such things?
Go to the Vatican website

or here

I am glad you brought this up. To other Traditionalists out there. Why is it that the Vatican website does not have the Council of Trent, Quo Primum, De Defectibus and encyclicals of the majority of Popes? Is it me or can any of you find them on the Vatican website. Why do I have to search elswhere?
I have asked a Sedevacantist friend - who is working hard to distance us by his tirades - to at least read the documents of the councils before he condemns them.

I know I have a snow ball’s chance, but at least I read some of them. I find them quite inspiring and edifying.
I wanted to bring this back up to the top of the forum in hope that someone might have an anwser to my previous question.

Why is it that the Vatican website does not have the Council of Trent, Quo Primum, De Defectibus and encyclicals of the majority of Popes? Is it me or can any of you find them on the Vatican website.
Why do I have to search elswhere? The Vatican website surely has a large search engine and plenty of space for every document. Maybe I am looking in the wrong section.
I wanted to bring this back up to the top of the forum in hope that someone might have an anwser to my previous question.

Why is it that the Vatican website does not have the Council of Trent, Quo Primum, De Defectibus and encyclicals of the majority of Popes? Is it me or can any of you find them on the Vatican website.
Why do I have to search elswhere? The Vatican website surely has a large search engine and plenty of space for every document. Maybe I am looking in the wrong section.
No, I think what you found is all there is at the Vatican site

Btw, On the Nullity of Anglican Orders, Apostolicae Curae Promulgated September 18, 1896 by Pope Leo XIII is found at … but not at the Vatican site.

On the Nullity of Anglican Orders, Apostolicae Curae Promulgated September 18, 1896 by Pope Leo XIII is found at … but not at the Vatican site.

But why not? One would think that the Vatican site, the official site of all Church documents. would have everything. Papalencyclicals and Adoremus and EWTN seem to have more of the older writings that the Vatican Website. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.
But why not? One would think that the Vatican site, the official site of all Church documents. would have everything. Papalencyclicals and Adoremus and EWTN seem to have more of the older writings that the Vatican Website. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.

I’ve wondered the same thing. Don’t know how long the Vatican site has been up and running —but it would figure that the Council of Trent – the First Vatican Council and many other documents would have been included by now.
But why not? One would think that the Vatican site, the official site of all Church documents. would have everything. Papalencyclicals and Adoremus and EWTN seem to have more of the older writings that the Vatican Website. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.
It’s not some great conspiracy. I think it is just the fact that the Vatican just does not have the money, the people, and the resources to do all of the things I am sure they would like to.

They borrowed the English version of the CCC from an American parish. For an English language bible translation the Vatican site uses the NAB with the permission of the U.S. Bishops. And if anyone has tried to use their awesome website Biblia Clerus for the commentary of the Church Fathers then you may have experienced what I have - half of what you click on takes you to Italian and French translations and not the English you clicked on.

I’m sure that more will be added as time goes on and as more work is put into the website. Until then just use the alternate sites that are available. And I think we should be glad that our bishops and cardinals are internet savvy enough that we even have

Here are all the Councils through Trent:

Here’s Vatican I (the above link only has an outline):

Here’s Vatican II:

I think what stmaria was commenting on is that other than Vatican II, we can’t find any other Church Councils (their documents) on the Vatican website. Would be very handy to have them all right there at the source so to speak.

Peace in Christ,

I hate the Vatican’s website. It’s got the worst search engine and I can never find what I"m looking for unless I can find a link to it from another site.:banghead:
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