Can anyone recommend any books, by cathoics on
The 5 proofs of God?
The 5 proofs of God?
Thomas Aquinas, the Dumb Ox is available here cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/gkc/books/index.htmlDepends on how technical you want to get, but I would always recommend first of all G.K. Chesterton’s book Thomas Aquinas, the Dumb Ox. It is available online for free (I don’t know where, but Ani Ibi found it once).
Then I would go to Aquinas himself with annotations, as in Peter Kreeft’s A Summa of the Summa.
Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais co-wrote a brief introduction called *Knowing the Love of Christ. *The book by Brian Davies is a little more advanced but still a good, clear introduction.Can anyone recommend any books, by cathoics on
The 5 proofs of God?