If I remember correctly from my neurology class, it’s actually a compensation mechanism in the brain, as opposed to tired nerves. An interesting phenomenon, but I refuse to reduce human emotions to simply biological reactions. It seems to me to make us no more than animals. However, I think I see your point, in that with our God-given free will, we have the ability to rise above our emotions.
Well, for me, the feelings lasted for 5 years of courtship and 23 years of marriage. Maybe that’s unusual, but wife’s quite a wonderful girl.
All true, when being loving towards family, friends and strangers. I understand that a person can do a loving thing (taking care of an invalid family member, for instance) when what they’re actually feeling is emotionally tired and ready to give up. I just believe that marriage is something special. I am not comfortable with my wife saying she’s happy to spend time with me, when she’s not really feeling that way. I guess the alternative (not spending time with me at all) is worse, but surely you can see how it is less special if she’s forcing herself to do so.
This is crux of my question. “Skill” conjures up images of self-help literature. I want to deal with it the way God wants a marriage to work; I’m just uncertain as to what that means.
That helps a little in differentiating between Jesus’ teachings and self-help books, along with the emotions vs. free-will idea, but I’m still wondering about how the Holy Spirit’s conversion of heart enters into the picture.
Anyway, the last couple of days saw good improvement, so hopefully there’s more to come.