Reasons Why I Believe in The Blessed Virgin Mary's Assumption

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sure, but if you read the bible, you would notice that mary’s assumption is NEVER mentioned. how can people say this happened?
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This thread is about 2 years old…I’m surprised anyone decided to resurrect it, but that’s okay. 👍

stompalot, it’s really quite simple…

There is historical evidence that the Church believed it many centuries ago.

There is clearly a scriptural precedent in the passages that I mentioned about those Christians generally believe were assumed as well.

And…as I said, it’s logical. It makes very very good sense and I have already given my reasons for believing that.

Frankly, I can think of no scriptural or logical reason not to believe this.

Besides…Look at what St. Jude wrote in his letter.
[9] But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, disputed about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”

If you believe that everything that we believe has to be based solely upon the Bible, then please show me where that is in the Old Testament? I’ll need chapter and verse please. 🙂
I remember this thread two years ago. It’s a wonderfull subject for the kind of theology that the Catholic church develops. A deepening undertanding of what we have always believed.

Redemption was complete when Christ died. At the time of His ressurrection this happened.

Mathew 27 52-53 " And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose and coming out of the tombs after His Resurrection came into the holy city and appeared to many."

If I’m not mistaken there is a passage describing the same kind of event right after Christ died.

If these Old Covenant people were transfigured before Our Blessed Mother ended her earthly life it seems likely at the very least that she, being “full of Grace” and the person through whom God was physically manifested into the world, would have also been as one of them.
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