The practice of receiving under only one kind predates Trent by hundreds of years. As others have already pointed out, the Hussites protested this and insisted on recieving under both kinds - in the 1400s.
Mr Teenager? I thought someone who can not admit that he’s wrong is the immature ones.No, I am NOT wrong Mr teenager, for Jesus held up the bread and he also held up a goblet of wine. TWO things, not one. Would you also like a quote from Justin Martyr as well? Yeah, believe it or not, the early church served BOTH the bread and the wine in the mass.
Ron from Ohio
newadvent.org/cathen/04175a.htmIt may be stated as a general fact, that down to the twelfth century, in the West as well as in the East, public Communion in the churches was ordinarily administered and received under both kinds.
The 12th Century practice of receiving only the Sacred Body was rendered binding in the early 15th Century – before Trent – in response to the Hussite heresy (Jan Hus, d. 1415), which asserted that Communion under both species was necessary for salvation. Receiving in only one kind demonstrated that Christ is entirely present in any particle of the consecrated elements.Reformed Bob
Good post. Which only proves that up until the council of Trent BOTH the bread and the wine were being still offered in the mass. You did the homework.
Ron from Ohio
SYMBOLISM!!!The difficulty of denying that both the wine and the bread should be offered to the Catholic laity is this. When Jesus instituted the Lord’s supper he held up and blessed TWO individual species, and not one. First he held up the wine and then the bread. He passed around BOTH species to his disciples. He said, “eat” and “drink”. Jesus did NOT just offer the consecrated bread.
No one deny that Jesus held up the bread and wine and He and His disciples eat bread and wine.Those on this forum who deny this are liars, plain and simple.
Strawman strawman starwman.I speak the truth before the Lord and you blasphemy the very word of God, you who denies his sacred words.
IrrelevantThis SAME practice continued even after the death of Jesus as a simple reading of Justin Martyr shows, as well as others. Both species were offered to all baptized Christians who were present and NOT just to the presiding prebyster.
No, this is not wrong.But corrupt leaders in the Catholic church arose who decided that both species were no longer to be given to the Catholic laity any longer, but only the consecrated bread. They did this for various reasons. Whether for health or afraid that the consecrated wine would be spilled. But NOTICE, even in today’s churches the priest takes BOTH the wine and the bread, but denies it to to laity. This is wrong. Although in some churches both species are offered, but not in the majority.
You have been shown FACT that the practice of receiving under bread alone is more ancient than Trent yet you’re so stubborn. No wonder that your assesmaent about priestly celibacy is wrong again.This change occurred sometime around the council of Trent as did denying priests the right to be married. For a thousand years priests were allowed to marry if they wished. But once again, corrupt leaders CHANGED all that.
So what’s the big deal? The big deal is, is that the practices carried on in the church today were unheard of in the early first century church. Let’s get back to what the REAL Catholic church once believed and stood for.
Another heretical point of view is to think that every bit of practice in the ancient Church is the right one.Ron from Ohio
Your quote- "Another heretical point of view is to think that every bit of practice in the ancient Church is the right one".
Answer- Well, well. Now the ancient church was not up to date with what they believed and practiced eh? Well, when your out next time stuffing your academic mouth with a hamburger or sitting back in your nice recliner watching TV, in your living room, remember these so called ancient Christians DIED for what they believed. Some to the lions and some by torture.
You couldn't fill their shoes or be worthy to assemble with them. For you would deny all that they held precious.
Ron from Ohio
Nope, sorry, that’s not the heresy.beng
Code:Your quote- "Another heretical point of view is to think that every bit of practice in the ancient Church is the right one". Answer- Well, well. Now the ancient church was not up to date with what they believed and practiced eh? Well, when your out next time stuffing your academic mouth with a hamburger or sitting back in your nice recliner watching TV, in your living room, remember these so called ancient Christians DIED for what they believed. Some to the lions and some by torture. You couldn't fill their shoes or be worthy to assemble with them. For you would deny all that they held precious. Ron from Ohio
OK Beng, I'll bite. What exactly is your point? Where is the heresy in wanting to follow the authority and example of the apostolic church?
Ron from Ohio
Nope, I’m talking about “If it’s not done by the Early Church, then it’s wrong”Beng
Code:OK Beng, I'll bite. What exactly is your point? Where is the heresy in wanting to follow the authority and example of the apostolic church? Ron from Ohio
Quit playing games and get to the point!!!!!!!!!!!
The point is, not all practice of the ancient Church is to be followed. Over time the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, reform the practice.beng
Code:Quit playing games and get to the point!!!!!!!!!!!