Not really a saint movie, but I love “Come to the Stable” with Loretta Young and Celelste Holm. Not really a Christmas story, either, just a wonderful film about two incouragible nuns trying to build a children’s hospital with $50 and the intercession of St. Jude. Got two Academy Award nominations for the principal actresses. Makes you lament the stuff that gets nominated now :crying:
Also love these that were already mentioned:
A Man for All Seasons (Paul Scoefield version - also an Oscar winner and hard to find now)
*The Scarlet and the Black
*Yours, Mine, and Ours (great lecture about premarital sex)
*Cheaper by the Dozen (original, not the Steve Martin remake; read the book, too. Not really a Catholic movie, but a great movie about a large family. Love it how they stick it to the Planned Parenthood lady

*Song of Bernadette (can watch this one over and over again)
*The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima (dated but still good)
Keep those recommendations coming…:clapping: