Recommended movies about Saints

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I own the DVD “A man for all seasons” and just watched “The Song of Bernadette” recently. I liked them both. Are there other movies in this same catagory that y’all could recommend?

Thanks in advance!

I own the DVD “A man for all seasons” and just watched “The Song of Bernadette” recently. I liked them both. Are there other movies in this same catagory that y’all could recommend?

Thanks in advance!
Here is a great place to buy great Catholic Movies.

Catholic Movies

I have all of the ones below and they are awesome.

Agony and the Ecstasy

Boys Town

Claire of Assisi


Entertaining Angels

Francis of Assisi

Hiding Place

Hildegard of Bingen

Jesus Of Nazareth

John Of The Cross

Maximilian: Saint Of Auschwitz
In addition to the movies Marie listed, here’s some more:

Divine Mercy - The life of St. Faustina

The Night of the Prophet (Padre Pio)

The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima

John of the Cross

The Miracle of Marcelino

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

St. Patrick - The Irish Legend

The Reluctant Saint - The Story of St. Joseph of Cupertino

A Time for Miracles - The True Story of Elizabeth Bayley Seton

Entertaining Angels - The Dorothy Day Story

Miracle at Moreaux

Pope John Paul II: The Movie

The Jewelers Shop (by Karol Wojtyla)

The Fourth Wise Man (with Martin Sheen)

The Miracle of the Bells

God bless you
There is an excellent film called Ocean of Mercy. It is a documentary on PJPII, Mamimillian Kolbe and St. Faustina.
Thanks Faustina. I just ordered “Ocean of Mercy.” Is there anything on this video about what the Lord said to St. Faustina about a spark from Poland that would prepare the world for the Day of His Great Mercy?

I noticed when doing a Google search for this video that there is also a music CD titled “Ocean of Mercy.”

God bless you
This is one I saw a long time ago, but I loved it.

Scarlet And The Black - This outstanding film tells the thrilling true story of an Irish priest in the Vatican who organized an underground network in Rome to hide the Jews and others from the Nazis during World War II. Gregory Peck stars as Msgr. Hugh O’Flaherty, who uses disguises to do his dangerous work and hide from the ruthless Nazi commander (Christopher Plummer) who wants to murder the priest. A film guaranteed to inspire!, DVD - 156 Min.

and it’s only $14.99 at the movie site that Marie mentioned 🙂

Also another great movie:

Trouble With Angels, The - Hayley Mills and June Harding star in this delightful comedy about two mischievous students who turn a convent school upside down with their pranks. Just when there appears to be no hope for the two incorrigible students, they get a little help from two of the Sisters. Also starring Rosalind Rusell, Binnie Barnes and Camilla Sparv., VHS-110 min
Dear aquinasadmirer,

It’s probably hard to find but there is a wonderful (and wonderfully accurate) movie about St. Teresa of Jesus (commonly called St. Teresa of Avila). It is a Spanish production and the title is “Teresa de Jesus” and is about 7.5 hours long! It has been shown on EWTN a time or two.

Also, “Becket”, which is a Hollywood production about St. Thomas Becket (very good).

And, since today is her feast day, many films have been made about St. Joan of Arc. There is a silent film about her (don’t remember the name) which was made in the 1920s as well as one which was on CBS a few years back which was decent (called “Joan of Arc”, i think). However, you definitely want to avoid “The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc”–it’s horrendous.
“The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc” is indeed a disgustingly awful movie full of falsehoods. It makes Joan look like a crazed woman seeking revenge on the English for raping and killing her sister, ***which in real life never happened. *** The other major falsehood was that the Voices were actually her own conscience. Total nonsense. The Voices were St. Michael the Archangel, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret. ( Joan was also once visited by the Archangel Gabriel near the end of her life. ) They appeared to Joan hundreds of times through the years and several times a day when she was in prison. We know the Voices were real because Joan made many accurate predictions that came true. Not one of her predictions was wrong. For a list of Joan’s predictions and other miraculous events associated with her, see here:

Every time The Messenger plays on television I want to kick in the screen.

The CBS miniseries. “Joan of Arc” starring 16 year old Leelee Sobiesk was much better. At least they showed Joan with commom sense and some implied devotion to God. They did not show her outstanding spirituality and phenomenal intellectual genius without which she could not have accomplished her impossible mission. The movie was intended to be shown on TV so they had to water down her spirituality to something uninspiring. They had to be politically correct, you know.
One glaring change they made to the real story was to show Joan giving herself up to the enemy without a fight. Total nonsense. Joan fought like a tiger to avoid being captured but the situation was hopeless.
Also another great movie:

Trouble With Angels, The - Hayley Mills and June Harding star in this delightful comedy about two mischievous students who turn a convent school upside down with their pranks. Just when there appears to be no hope for the two incorrigible students, they get a little help from two of the Sisters. Also starring Rosalind Rusell, Binnie Barnes and Camilla Sparv., VHS-110 min
Love it! There is a sequel too. I also like Yours, Mine and Ours and of course, The Sound of Music.

God Bless, Nicole
How about "The Bells of St Mary and “Going My Way” starring Bing Crosby?🙂 ( I know it’s not about Saints but good old fashioned Catholic stuff)
Lots of good movies listed above.

Noticed one that was missing:

Brother Sun - Sister Moon. (about St. Francis)

There are also a few different biographies on Pope John Paul II that are worth seeing.
Not really a saint movie, but I love “Come to the Stable” with Loretta Young and Celelste Holm. Not really a Christmas story, either, just a wonderful film about two incouragible nuns trying to build a children’s hospital with $50 and the intercession of St. Jude. Got two Academy Award nominations for the principal actresses. Makes you lament the stuff that gets nominated now :crying:

Also love these that were already mentioned:
A Man for All Seasons (Paul Scoefield version - also an Oscar winner and hard to find now)
*The Scarlet and the Black
*Yours, Mine, and Ours (great lecture about premarital sex)
*Cheaper by the Dozen (original, not the Steve Martin remake; read the book, too. Not really a Catholic movie, but a great movie about a large family. Love it how they stick it to the Planned Parenthood lady :rotfl:
*Song of Bernadette (can watch this one over and over again)
*The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima (dated but still good)

Keep those recommendations coming…:clapping:
“Francesco” by Liliana Cavani. Possibly not for everyone, but I love it. Mickey Rourke plays Francis of Assisi, and does a great job with the “bad boy made good” story of Francis’ life. It’s remarkably true to Francis’ struggles with the Franciscan Order late in his life, and to the documentary tradition. It’s a much better film than Brother Sun, Sister Moon, which has rightly been called Zefferelli’s “hippy dippy St. Francis.”

My favorite movie on Joan of Arc is “The Passion of Joan of Arc” by Carl Dreyfus. It’s spectacular, with an absolutely brilliant Renee Falconetti playing Joan. What a face! It’s a silent film, recently released on DVD. I definitely recommend the DVD over the video, becaus this way, you can listen to the new soundtrack… Gorgeous. The text is entirely based on the text of her trial.

A film I haven’t seen, but have heard great things about is

Simon del Desierto by Luis Bunuel. THe story of Saint Simeon the Stylite.

I read a movie review in the New Yorker that said the silent Joan of Arc film that naprous mentioned is one of the best movies ever made. This was a secular movie historian.
The Asissi Underground with Ben Cross is on HBO sometimes, about efforts of a Franciscan priest and his network to save Jews in Northern Italy during WW2. Mission with Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons about the Spanish Jesuit missionaries in South America is historically accurate and a dynamic affecting presentation of the approaches to mission and spirituality of the different men. Check out the Therese website and support the movie when it comes out to make sure it gets shown all over the country.
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