Please stop playing with words. Objects and concepts are two different “entities”. Objects exist independently from us, while concepts are formed by us. Concepts have no independent existence. We are able to create all sorts of concepts, some of which have objective referents, while others do not. In the fairy tales there are all sorts imaginary beings, which do not exist in the objective reality.
In other words, “nothing” as the “actual state of affairs” does not and cannot exist, as such the question: “why is there something rather than nothing?” is nonsensical.
That is what I said.
Since the available time and resources are finite, one must select which branches of the unknowns will one pursue. The “stopping” point is usually provisional. All we need to do is stay open to the possibility that our current understanding MAY be incorrect. For the time being all the experiments which attempted to verify the existence of “paranormal” failed. It is reasonable to state that one should not waste time on investigating it. But if some group of people wish to do it, let them. And if they would arrive at a result which merits attention, then it will be investigated by science. Should we still continue to investigate the properties of “luminiferous ether”? Or should one still contemplate how many angels can dance on the tip of a needle?
“We know”? I doubt it. But I am open to some argument why is positing the universe “insufficient”. The trouble is that positing an “external cause” for the universe is exactly as nonsensical as asking: “what exists to the north from the North Pole?”
Sigh. “Ask and you will receive” and “knock and the door will be opened”. These propositions are tested millions of time every day. People pray for all sorts of things. Sometimes, once in a blue moon one of these prayers gets “answered” in a “positive” fashion. The apologists hasten to declare: “you see, prayer works!”. They take it as a “verification” of their hypothesis. And then they conveniently forget about the millions of prayers which are NOT fulfilled - and as such they “falsify” their hypothesis. They are guilty of selective sampling.
Since the two go hand it hand, the solution is obvious. The distinction between so-called “necessary” and “contingent”
beings is meaningless. On a causative chain of “A”-> “B” → “C”, “B” is contingent upon “A” and necessary in relation to “C”. The concept of “necessary” and “contingent” can only be applied
relative to a causative chain, not in an
absolute fashion.