Also, feel like I need to key in on this:
And if any non-trivial formulation of the PSR is true, there cannot be a brute-fact exception; said exception would simply falsify the PSR. But to conclude that something is indeed a brute-fact, one of two things needs to happen: You either need to simply assert it as being true, or you need to give a reason for it to be true. To simply assert it is to beg the question and to committ special pleading besides. To give a reason is to undermine its being brute in the first place.
Because it has already been refuted. The PSR would lead to an infinite chain of “explanations”, which is clearly impossible. Just like in the axiomatic systems, where the axioms are unexplained “brute facts”, we need the same kinds of starting points; called “basic principles” which are the foundations of every explanation.
I’m not sure how you concluded that the PSR leads to an infinite chain of explanations. We agree that is impossible (it is even one of the primary premises in Rationalist versions of the Cosmlogical Argument that the PSR can’t lead to an infinite explanatory chain). Rather, the chain terminates in a necessary being - and necessity does not violate the PSR.I have no special problem with believers asserting that God is the foundation of all explanations, and that God “simply” exists - as such God is an exception to the PSR. The problem is not that such a system is somehow illogical (it is NOT). The problem is that it has not been established. The problem is not with God’s alleged existence, it is with the attempts to establish God’s existence without “revelation”, on fully rational grounds.
And if any non-trivial formulation of the PSR is true, there cannot be a brute-fact exception; said exception would simply falsify the PSR. But to conclude that something is indeed a brute-fact, one of two things needs to happen: You either need to simply assert it as being true, or you need to give a reason for it to be true. To simply assert it is to beg the question and to committ special pleading besides. To give a reason is to undermine its being brute in the first place.