Red Cross/Red Crescent?

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:confused: Today I heard Colin Powell refer to the relief efforts in Sri Lanka and Taiwan by the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Whats up with that?
Is there now an Islamic wing of the Red Cross?
ridesawhitehors said:
:confused: Today I heard Colin Powell refer to the relief efforts in Sri Lanka and Taiwan by the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Whats up with that?
Is there now an Islamic wing of the Red Cross?

You are a little behind the times. What in western countries is called the Red Cross has long been called the Red Crescent in Islamic nations. it’s likely been this way since before you were born.
You are a little behind the times. What in western countries is called the Red Cross has long been called the Red Crescent in Islamic nations. it’s likely been this way since before you were born.
haha… I guess that happens when you live on the red side of a blue state. 😉 Just trying to catch up here. I’ve never heard it before.
ridesawhitehors said:
:confused: Today I heard Colin Powell refer to the relief efforts in Sri Lanka and Taiwan by the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Whats up with that?
Is there now an Islamic wing of the Red Cross?

They have a website:
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