I was reading the official book of teachings of Lutherans called the Book of Concord and I saw some amazing suff.
The section which talked about the Papacy being the anti-Christ had a lot of bogus stuff to say, but as I was getting to the end of it I noticed that the “reformers” who signed the document actulally were admitting what they were doing was unauthorized!
Here is the official document:
Here are some quotes: 40] …the Pope assumes to himself divine authority in a threefold manner. First, because he takes to himself the right to change the doctrine of Christ and services instituted by God, and wants his own doctrine and his own services to be observed as divine; secondly, because he takes to himself the power not only of binding and loosing in this life, but also the jurisdiction over souls after this life; thirdly, because the Pope does not want to be judged by the Church or by any one, and puts his own authority ahead of the decision of Councils and the entire Church. But to be unwilling to be judged by the Church or by any one is to make oneself God. Lastly, these errors so horrible, and this impiety, he defends with the greatest cruelty, and puts to death those dissenting.
Isnt this exactly how the “reformers” act?
42] To dissent from the agreement of so many nations and to be called schismatics is a grave matter. But divine authority commands all not to be allies and defenders of impiety and unjust cruelty. On this account our consciences are sufficiently excused; for the errors of the kingdom of the Pope are manifest. And Scripture with its entire voice exclaims that these errors are a teaching of demons and of Antichrist.
57] Therefore, even though the bishop of Rome had the primacy by divine right, yet since he defends godless services and doctrine conflicting with the Gospel, obedience is not due him; yea, it is necessary to resist him as Antichrist. The errors of the Pope are manifest and not trifling.
In some ways its like Im reading a page the Lefebvrists wrote.
67] For wherever the Church is, there is the authority [command] to administer the Gospel. Therefore it is necessary for the Church to retain the authority to call, elect, and ordain ministers. And this authority is a gift which in reality is given to the Church, which no human power can wrest from the Church…
76] Since, therefore, bishops have tyrannically transferred this jurisdiction to themselves alone, and have basely abused it,there is no need, because of this jurisdiction,** to obey bishops**. But since there are just reasons why we do not obey, it is right also to restore this jurisdiction to godly pastors [to whom, by Christ’s command, it belongs], and to see to it that it is legitimately exercised for the reformation of morals and the glory of God.
Right here we clearly see the shameless tearing down of the Church while at the same time feeling justified in doing so and starting their own religion.
I cant believe these guys openly admit to this stuff.
The section which talked about the Papacy being the anti-Christ had a lot of bogus stuff to say, but as I was getting to the end of it I noticed that the “reformers” who signed the document actulally were admitting what they were doing was unauthorized!
Here is the official document:
Here are some quotes: 40] …the Pope assumes to himself divine authority in a threefold manner. First, because he takes to himself the right to change the doctrine of Christ and services instituted by God, and wants his own doctrine and his own services to be observed as divine; secondly, because he takes to himself the power not only of binding and loosing in this life, but also the jurisdiction over souls after this life; thirdly, because the Pope does not want to be judged by the Church or by any one, and puts his own authority ahead of the decision of Councils and the entire Church. But to be unwilling to be judged by the Church or by any one is to make oneself God. Lastly, these errors so horrible, and this impiety, he defends with the greatest cruelty, and puts to death those dissenting.
Isnt this exactly how the “reformers” act?
42] To dissent from the agreement of so many nations and to be called schismatics is a grave matter. But divine authority commands all not to be allies and defenders of impiety and unjust cruelty. On this account our consciences are sufficiently excused; for the errors of the kingdom of the Pope are manifest. And Scripture with its entire voice exclaims that these errors are a teaching of demons and of Antichrist.
57] Therefore, even though the bishop of Rome had the primacy by divine right, yet since he defends godless services and doctrine conflicting with the Gospel, obedience is not due him; yea, it is necessary to resist him as Antichrist. The errors of the Pope are manifest and not trifling.
In some ways its like Im reading a page the Lefebvrists wrote.
67] For wherever the Church is, there is the authority [command] to administer the Gospel. Therefore it is necessary for the Church to retain the authority to call, elect, and ordain ministers. And this authority is a gift which in reality is given to the Church, which no human power can wrest from the Church…
76] Since, therefore, bishops have tyrannically transferred this jurisdiction to themselves alone, and have basely abused it,there is no need, because of this jurisdiction,** to obey bishops**. But since there are just reasons why we do not obey, it is right also to restore this jurisdiction to godly pastors [to whom, by Christ’s command, it belongs], and to see to it that it is legitimately exercised for the reformation of morals and the glory of God.
Right here we clearly see the shameless tearing down of the Church while at the same time feeling justified in doing so and starting their own religion.
I cant believe these guys openly admit to this stuff.