Not withstanding Forest Gump, if you want to defend hate that is your choice, BTW You seem to be confusing the Spanish Pro Family Organization with the Spanish Television Network.
I warned you not to get me started on the SPLC.
If you make an accusation of “hate”, be prepared to prove it. Otherwise it is a slur, even slander. The SPLC doesn’t mind throwing the word onto other mild pro family organizations like Abiding Truth Ministries who get smeared with the hate allegation. Slandering institutions that don’t toe their social and political line was the pretext for a murderous attack on the Family Research Council
"… a confessed domestic terrorist admitted to FBI investigators he was inspired to violently attack the Family Research Council, a mainstream conservative Christian group headquartered for three decades in Washington, D.C.,
after seeing the FRC identified on the Law Center’s notorious “hate map.”
On Aug. 15, 2012, a man went into an office building in downtown Washington, D.C., and shot a building manager – shattering the major bones in his left arm. The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins II, wanted to kill as many people in the building as he could. Fortunately, his rampage of violence was cut short by the man he shot, Leo Johnson, before he could become a mass murderer of the employees at the Family Research Council.
With genuine mega-threats to the American homeland looming daily from murderous, genocidal jihadists, why the fixation on phantom “rightwing extremists”?
Meet the Southern Poverty Law Center. This super-wealthy public-interest law firm headquartered in Montgomery, Ala., which decades ago made a name for itself by fighting the Ku Klux Klan, today presents itself as the nation’s premier defender of civil liberties and protector of the innocent from violent extremism. Behind this veil, however, today’s SPLC is revealed to be the wellspring and dominant think tank for outrageously defamatory leftwing attacks on individuals and organizations that embrace traditional Judeo-Christian values.
The group’s primary modus operandi? Demonize and defame mainstream conservatives, Christians and Jews by lumping them together with genuine haters like neo-Nazi Skinheads and the Ku Klux Klan. Then highly publicize those “Hatewatch” lists and “Hate Maps,” soliciting millions of dollars in donations to help SPLC combat all those supposed rightwing “haters” and “extremists” out there.
Recently, the bubble of illusion surrounding the SPLC burst for millions of Americans when the supposed civil rights organization attacked Dr. Benjamin Carson, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon and likely 2016 GOP presidential contender, by adding him to its “extremist watch list.” Ironically, the soft-spoken, high-achieving, adversity-overcoming Carson is widely considered one of the
most positive role models for young black males in modern America.
So, what was Carson’s offense, for which he was – just like many other individuals and organizations before him, including WND – cast as a hateful and potentially dangerous rightwing “extremist” by the SPLC?
Fasten your seat belts: Dr. Carson stated,
“Marriage is between a man and a woman.”