This is a highly devisive topic in Catholic circles! :whacky:
Melchior is right to bring the subject up, but in a Catholic Forum one must be very brave indeed.
What alarms me the most is that it is practically impossible to discuss this topic in a rational way almost everywhere because some people are so animated about it. Thankfully this thread has been very civil, I hope it continues to be.
So if I may just venture an opinion I would like to say that Saint Mary is the one topic that a Catholic could go to any extreme in praise of without fear of criticism, while by contrast the Papacy, the bishops and clergy of the church, valid General Councils and the Curia are vulnerable to any criticism in an open forum anywhere.
I am certain many laypeople honor Mary with not only hyperdulia but even latria because they don’t know any better. I talk to Catholics everywhere and this is my opinion. When was the last time anyone here ever had to correct an individual for praising Mary too much? Probably never, we always give the benefit of the doubt. It is just like hyperMarianists are teflon coated, nothing sticks to them. Why are we so afraid to admit this? We say things like “those flowery phrases don’t mean what they sound like” etc.
I have theory (no one has to believe this !

) that the extreme praise forms used generation after generation have effected the poorly catechized into misunderstanding the role and status of Mary. This is a major reason why many young Catholics leave the church, because that is the understanding they get (as flawed as it is) and they ultimately reject it, and justifiably so. The ‘worship’ they witness and are taught in their own families goes over the edge, they reject it and mistakenly dump the whole church with it, because nobody around them will admit that there is a problem.
Now just for me saying that some people will accuse me of being in error. I am only expressing an opinion and I am not criticising the church’s teaching or talking about
my own feelings and opinion about Mary (whom I love as my mother) but how I perceive some others think about Mary.
Another point that bears reflecting on is that no Catholic anywhere is bound to accept private revelation. We each and every one of us have the option to ignore or even doubt appearences of Mary anywhere, including Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, etc.
So it is entirely possible that they never happened! Although that would surprise me. That being the case, shouldn’t we be a bit more circumspect in allowing these apparitions and messages to form our faith? Isn’t there enough Truth in the Catholic Faith that we shouldn’t need to know the latest message from Medjugorje? Would it be so terrible to find out that Sr Lucia was mistaken about what she remembered?
For the general information of the readers here there
was a cult of Mary in southern Poland that was condemned by the church. It had a following that some say was 1 million, Pius X condemned it and 600,000 people (including priests) were excomunicated. The possibility is very real and the consequences could be quite serious.
Nil Carius Christo,
Michael, that sinner