There was another thread on reincarnation that I responded to. Again, you are asking a good question. Like I mentioned in the other thread I’ve looked into reincarnation in terms of what is currently a trend started by two books “Journey of Souls,” and “Many Lives Many Masters.” Also, as I mentioned in that thread there is a new Disney movie called, “Soul,” which seems to have adopted the cosmology. For Catholics unfamiliar, here is that Disney Movie’s trailer:
The allure of the idea’s proposed in these books, why I think you have adopted it as well as many others, is that it appears more equitable and more just given the frailty of the human condition (what you term mediocrity). However, the danger I see in adopting such a view is that it does not take into account the seriousness and gravity of life. I’ve come to the conclusion, the idea sounds “nice,” but doesn’t account for the plethora of suffering in the world and doesn’t account for the seriousness of the consequences of depraved souls that cause that suffering in the world.
The kind of people I see adopting this idea would be active sinners living in complete comfort who are not currently suffering for their sins. Again, these people don’t have the introspection, reflection, or empathy to explore the consequences of their actions much less the general state of suffering in the world. Which is why I conclude the idea is dangerously, “Superficial.”
Finally, in my life experience I have found it is only with religious leaning and prayer does suffering lead to the positive consequences of growth ie God has a hand in the life of the suffering when the suffering pray and seek his counsel. However, suffering on it’s own merits does not lead to growth on it’s own but instead, as I have seen, may lead to things like depravity, anger, bitterness, resentment, jealousy…etc…Again, that is the, “Superficial,” view of suffering people who believe in these ideas have.
I can go further but I’ll leave it there.