no, I don’t have big brothers. I have learned few basic defense. I have not made my concerns know to school officials, because I’m scared and I don’t thing school will care with this.
Also if it’s a really uncomfortable situation you can reject them by putting yourself down (as in “ I don’t deserve someone like you, you’re so much smarter and more handsome than me, you deserve a much smarter woman. I’m so [fill in the blank with as many personality flaws as you can].”) Not exactly fun, but I had success with this method once with a guy who just would NOT take no for an answer. After about ten minutes of talking up all my own negative points he was like “you know, you’re right! I really am too good for you! I’m so much kinder, better looking, smarter, more fun, holier, etc etc etc…” He never bothered me again.reject them gently
That sounds like a pretty good reason NOT to be his girlfriend. If you choose to date in the future, only accept people that respect you.…After that, he talking bad about me with his friends.