…the Holy Spirit is working on the heart of my good friend, a Protestant. Last night, for the first time, he not only accepted the sacrament of confession as legitimate, but agreed that it is a beautiful thing.
He also rejects contraception, goes to Mass without me if I’m out of town, is starting to believe in the Real Presence and agrees that unrepented sin will result in a being in a state of mortal sin.
When I met him, he was staunch fundamentalist, with a liberal dose of Calvinism and anti-Catholic sentiment.
Glory be to God!
Love is Patient

He also rejects contraception, goes to Mass without me if I’m out of town, is starting to believe in the Real Presence and agrees that unrepented sin will result in a being in a state of mortal sin.
When I met him, he was staunch fundamentalist, with a liberal dose of Calvinism and anti-Catholic sentiment.
Glory be to God!