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It is a complex issue with the Mass. While I think the Missal of 1962 is beautiful, it is not realistic to assume it will once again become the norm.

So, where do we go from there - especially as laymen? I mean, we can’t alter the liturgy, we shouldn’t be out picketting for changes, we shouldn’t withhold support from the church if things don’t go our way. What can we do?

I know what I’ve done, and it has borne great fruit. My friend and I started the Brazos Valley Schola Cantorum with a local choir director. It started out with just three guys, now it’s up to 10 (after only 3 years). It’s all men, we are in cassocks and surplices, we sing Latin Gregorian chant, we use the Liber Cantualis and Graduale Simplex, and we are enjoying much success.

We have done Latin NO Masses (one coming up March 1st will be done by a visiting Bishop), we do Confirmations with the Ordinary, Vespers in Lent and Advent, Tenebrae on Wednesday of Holy Week, Weddings, funerals, a Pontifical Tridentine Nuptial Mass in April, multiple appearances at local parishes for Mass (singing a prelude, communion meditation, etc…), etc…

We aren’t music majors. We just like good music, and we are willing to learn. It takes time and dedication, but it is far better than waiting for someone else to start introducing traditional aspects of worship back into the Mass.

The best part is, the people are demanding it. When they see us sing alongside a “youth band”, the dichotomy is readily apparent. You don’t have to explain anything to anyone about the merits of chant and how V2 called for it to have “pride of place”. It “fits” in the Mass and makes sense.

Don’t wait for others to do this.

Just do it.
Here is one more reason to rejoice. Another indult TLM mass has been approved. The first mass will be this Sunday, February 25th. The link below is announcement by the Diocese of Orange. Please pray for the success of this mass. I believe it is being offered on a trial basis. If you live in the area you might consider attending to show your support.

Have a look at this to see how the TLM has grown:

Look at all those states without even a single TLM every Sunday.

So much for a “a wide and generous application” of the indult. 😦

More people would fall in love with the TLM if they just had access to it. I know many who yearn for it but cannot make the 2-3 hour drives to the nearest indult.
Look at all those states without even a single TLM every Sunday.

So much for a “a wide and generous application” of the indult. 😦

More people would fall in love with the TLM if they just had access to it. I know many who yearn for it but cannot make the 2-3 hour drives to the nearest indult.
That map doesnt have SSPX chapels listed.

But even if it did…its hardly a wide and generous application.
I believe it does. My parish is on the map and it is a FSSP parish.
A few more strategic locations and our plan for world domination will be ready to bloom.

Yes…universal indult come quickly! evil laugher
I was especially surprised at the low percentage of TLM’s celebrated weekly in the US. To view the posts on this forum, I was under a wrong impression that the TLM was more widely in use than only 230 per week in post #4.

Could this be the very reason for the delay in the indult? Not enough participation?

When one considers that there are 18,584 parishes in the US, celebrating an average of 3 masses per weekend ([55,752 masses), then 230 is absolutely minimal (0.004%).

I am beginning to understand that this is probably the sole reason the bishops have not granted permissions for it. It is encouraging to me, for I never did believe they were just being arbitrary, but very pastoral in their office, and exercising an honest assessment of the lack of interest.
In my diocese there are over 800 faithful that attend the weekend TLM at my parish. There are 3 other parishes that offer the same mass with the room full as well. We have a bishop who is encouraging the growth and, well, it’s growing. He advertises the TLM in the Catholic paper and offers the mass himself at our parish.

Now for the flip side of the coin. The previous bishop only allowed for ONE Tridentine mass to be said in the entire diocese, even tho’ there were over 20,000 signatures in a petition to allow for more in the suburbs. It was turned down. I know of two other priests that petitioned to offer the TLM in their parishes when this certain bishop was in charge. They were flatly refused. When the faithful petitioned to have their children confirmed in the Old Rite, the bishop told the parents he forgot how to confirm in this manner. I had to travel to Ohio to have the good bishop in Vienna (FSSP) parish to confirm my dd.

This is not what I call pastoral at all. I call it blatant suppression. I thank God everyday for my present bishop. I shudder to think what we will be left with if he leaves our fair city.
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