Hello, I am a 20 yr old male and I have a situation which I need advice on. It probably fits in this forum group best. The story is very long but I will try to be concise as possible
Our relationship was fairly Christian, eventhough our greatest weakness as a couple was our physicality. We never had sex of any kind (I made it clear from the beginning with her that I’m waiting ‘til I’m married), but we had our share of fun. I didn’t feel too bad about it because I really loved this woman (yes, even after infatuation) and seriously wanted to marry her; eventhough I can see her flaws. I thought, with steady prayer, God would guide her to take up some more spiritual activity (greater faith, greater love for the Trinity, more works, more prayer, Mass weekly, Penance monthly, etc.)
All has changed now though. Several instances in which she seemed to be unappreciative, selfish, and unloving made me bitter toward her. When she had an opportunity to help the poor, she didn’t want to. When I offered to take her to Mass with me, she did not want to. When she had the opportunity to deepen her faith in the Trinity with me and go confess sins, she refused. Now, all she does is get drunk and she recently cheated on me.
In addition to what I’ve told you, she had randomly insulted me during the relationship: I don’t wear Abercrombie & Fitch, I’m not wealthy, I don’t drive a sports car, I’m fat (not really), I need my eyebrows waxed (no), I look like a homosexual (what?!), I’ve kissed butt to get good grades and a full-tuition scholarship, I work for peanuts at my part-time job (she doesn’t even have a part time job and she could definitely afford to have one), and I can’t treat her every week because I don’t come from a millionaire family like her ex-boyfriend (who was not a practicing Christian, and was caught by my girlfriend having sex with two girls in his dorm room because my girlfriend would not give him her virginity).
She even said her ex who cheated on her is better than me (yes the selfish pretty-boy hedonistic cheating materialistic guy is better than me because he was rich enough to buy her expensive meals weekly. I, the one who truly loves her, cries for her, willing to give my life for her, who gave my time to one girl (her) the one who wanted to be a friend to her anti-social little brother, the one who gave her foster parents in my parents because she has no real relationship with her parents, the guy whose parents loved her as a daughter, the guy who wrote poetry for her, the guy who sang to her, the guy who prays for her, the guy who wants to get her to heaven, and the guy who wanted to marry her is not as good as her ex who was a cheater.
Folks, there’s a lot to this story. Her faith life was always my top priority, period. I need advice (should I pray for her to come back or should I move on?), prayers, and questions if necessary to clarify the situation. I need help, my heart is so troubled and broken.
In September, this 18 yr old girl and I fell in love. We spent nearly the entire 2003-2004 school year as a couple (my sophomore yr, her freshman yr). She was a very kind, loving girl. Yet came from a poor home life, in which her older brother deserted the family and older sister partied during her college years; went from Catholic to Jehovah’s Witness to Baptist and finally Catholic again all while having an illegitimate child. For a brief time, she and my family were close. She wanted to be around my family all the time in the infatuation period; and my parents showed her more affection than hers (we’re both commuters to our college and we both still live with our families. Her parents are not affectionate, period). She was also a physically beautiful person. But she made my heart and soul jump for joy when she said she was Catholic (like me) and “loved God and Jesus.” I thought that was precious, considering she went to public schools all her life, unlike me. She was also chaste and not a party girl.
All has changed now though. Several instances in which she seemed to be unappreciative, selfish, and unloving made me bitter toward her. When she had an opportunity to help the poor, she didn’t want to. When I offered to take her to Mass with me, she did not want to. When she had the opportunity to deepen her faith in the Trinity with me and go confess sins, she refused. Now, all she does is get drunk and she recently cheated on me.
In addition to what I’ve told you, she had randomly insulted me during the relationship: I don’t wear Abercrombie & Fitch, I’m not wealthy, I don’t drive a sports car, I’m fat (not really), I need my eyebrows waxed (no), I look like a homosexual (what?!), I’ve kissed butt to get good grades and a full-tuition scholarship, I work for peanuts at my part-time job (she doesn’t even have a part time job and she could definitely afford to have one), and I can’t treat her every week because I don’t come from a millionaire family like her ex-boyfriend (who was not a practicing Christian, and was caught by my girlfriend having sex with two girls in his dorm room because my girlfriend would not give him her virginity).
She even said her ex who cheated on her is better than me (yes the selfish pretty-boy hedonistic cheating materialistic guy is better than me because he was rich enough to buy her expensive meals weekly. I, the one who truly loves her, cries for her, willing to give my life for her, who gave my time to one girl (her) the one who wanted to be a friend to her anti-social little brother, the one who gave her foster parents in my parents because she has no real relationship with her parents, the guy whose parents loved her as a daughter, the guy who wrote poetry for her, the guy who sang to her, the guy who prays for her, the guy who wants to get her to heaven, and the guy who wanted to marry her is not as good as her ex who was a cheater.
Folks, there’s a lot to this story. Her faith life was always my top priority, period. I need advice (should I pray for her to come back or should I move on?), prayers, and questions if necessary to clarify the situation. I need help, my heart is so troubled and broken.