You can consider God to be whatever you want. This is your determination, and your choice.
its not just me, its the more than half of humanity that worships the G-d of Abraham.
though numbers dont prove anything, it does say that it is not just me, its not a unique determination or personal determination at all, indeed it is a philosopky of theology so to speak.
You are absolutely right. And when the FDLS tells me that it is “good” to marry 12 yr old girls to 50 yr old men, it is not up to ME to try and understand what is or is not good.
first FDLS are not G-d, nor are they even Christains. i cannot defend the theology of other religions
but i would point out my own grandmother was 16 when she married my 36 year old grandfather, they were married for 65 years through good and bad, they loved eachother. even now she pines for him, and he has been gone for almost 6 years.
until relatively recently, my grandparents were the norm.
be careful about applying what is considerred moral here and now as what is absolutely moral. thats one of the problems of relativism, in a generation or two, there will be a completely different standard. to do so implies that the people of previous generations were less moral, or reasonable than were are, and i assure you, that is not the case.
Who am I , to make such a determination? What God wants is good becaue I consider him to be good. And since this is what God has commanded through revelation, it must be by default Good.
not because you consider Him to be good, but rather as the Creator of all things, He is the ruler against which good is measured.
nor is there some command by revelation to an individual, G-d is good as an accumulation of theology, developed by the authors of many different books, spread out across time, area, culture, and language. these books are now bound into the canon we call the bible. but they are indeed, more an encyclopedia of what we know about G-d, than the bible is one solid book.
therefore the idea that it is good by default is mistaken, it is good as a matter of convergent philosophy. other faiths have revealed texts, mormons, muslims, etc. not us.
When you come across a horrifying concept I think it is right to question it. But what better way to get people accepting dreadful things, other than to claim it was God and that God is good, and that we pitiful humans could never possibly understand it so we must just accept it.
whether its G-d or not, what can you do other than accept it? all the whining in the world wont make a bit of difference.
in your view our suffering is pointless, so why bear it? there is always the grave.
what a cold and lonely path that way leads.
just like a sheep doesnt understand the shearing, we dont understand suffering. we simply have no idea of the Shepherds reasons,
you can insist all you like that it is wrong or bad, but thats no differrent than if my kids said i was bad for putting down the dog. they dont know what i know, the dog was old and suffering, i was being humane, even as i killed.
in the same way, you and i dont know, nor can reasonably claim to know the reasons behind G-ds ways.
The whole “god can’t be understood, so don’t question” concept is used way too often to support terrible things.
its not to support terrible things, its to point out why you cannot blame G-d for bad things happening.
look, bad things are going to happen, whether your a theist or an atheist, what can possibly come from complaining about it?
indeed, G-d is a great comfort for the theist in those situations, but for the atheist. there is nothing for it but pointless suffering.