The “philosophic description” necessarily originated from a mind, thus it is an idea. That you ascribe a multi-syllabic term to it does not make it any more than an idea.It doesn’t fudge anything. It helps to explain the difference between itself and normative relativism. It’s not ‘an idea’ but a philosophic description (the clue is in the name).
Nor did I say that they were “value judgments”, I said that it confuses objective morality with value opinions about morality.It describes the fact that different societies for example have different values relative to others. It is not a value judgement - it just describes what it.
Anthropological assumptions have no business in regards to the truth or falsehood of relativism. Anthropology is not the science of morality, ethics is.
Looks like someone seems to be projecting…If you are going to go off like a fire cracker every time someone mentions an activity that you don’t personally approve, then we are all going to get bogged down very quickly.