Relevant Radio Poll

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I was never a TV/radio/computer junkie until I started listening/following EWTN, Catholic radio and the Catholic Answer Forums.
I love them all, esp. Dr. Ray, Dr. Colleen, Fr. Corapi, Fr. Benedict Groschel, Rosalind Moss, Jimmy Aiken, Karl Keating, Johnette Benkovick (sp?), etc. I get so excited when I realize I have some free time to catch a program or check out the forums.

Maybe Iā€™m developing a problem. :whacky:

Do you think I should call the Dr. is In program for some advice?

Can I vote a tie between Fr. Corapi and CA? šŸ‘

I guess Drew is okay, but why did he go into all that business about the president and Skull & Bones yesterday? Itā€™s just unnecessary.

If anything, people from Yale said President Bush wasnā€™t really into S&B when he was there and only joined because of his dad. And, there is no evidence whatsoever that the president was involved with freemasonry. I am tired of folks picking on a good man for things that arenā€™t true!

(In fact, President Bushā€™s daughter was picked last year for Skull & Bones, but she turned it down!)

Drew gets on those conspiracy theory things very easily. Itā€™s not surprizing that he would do that here, then. Heā€™s just taken up with all of the supposed underground movements that are ā€œplans of the devilā€ to undermine the Church. Itā€™s his nature to spritualize everything like that.
I have never heard any of those choices in this poll. What happened to Sean Hannity?
Haggai 1:7:
I agreeā€¦I also miss Al Kresta and Catholic Answers, which is rerun at 9:00 AM, but that doesnā€™t work for those of us who have daytime jobs. Iā€™m in the Minneapolis area, probably the same as Chicago.
Iā€™m with you and John Higgins. Catholic Answers Live rerun is not Catholic Answers live. Besides, the only way we can get the Thursday program in the Twin Cities is by sitting glued to a computer when itā€™s aired live, since the Friday a.m. rerun time is preempted by an on-the-air review of things printed in the Catholic Spirit, the bishopā€™s paper. Given the ā€œexciting thingsā€ that take place in our archdiocese, that could be worth hearing, but of course, neither in print nor on the air are the tough subjects really discussed in depth.

As a result, I voted for Dr. Ray. Otherwise, as much as I enjoy him, I would have put him second. Heā€™s much more fun, šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ but apologetics is so important, I think.

God bless,

In Chicago- I sure do miss Catholic Answers live also. Like the previous poster I enjoy Father Altier very much on Drew Mariani- He can have a good show sometimes depending on the guest- If not, for some reason, I just canā€™t bear to listen/

All and all, I enjoy relevant radio more than EWTN radio- it is much more current and exciting for the simple fact that they do not broadcast the ā€œDaily Massā€ or the over-recycled programs such as Fr. Groeschelā€™s ā€œHopeā€ series- (I canā€™t tell you how many times I have heard those).
Well, sometimes it does depend on the actual radio station you are listening to. Some have a mix of shows from other catholic broadcasting sources. The station I barely get out of Sacramento while I am in my car carries some stuff from EWTN and some stuff from Relevant Radio, etc. I listen to either EWTN or Relevant online otherwise.

Dr. Ray makes me laugh. I thought I would pee my pants from laughing so hard when he said he was giving up broccoli and asparagus spears for Lent, and then he continued that not everyone could rise to this level of holiness.
where I live. The majority of people here are disenfranchised and inactive Catholics.

Karl, Jim, Jerry, anybodyā€¦when will Catholic Answers Live be coming to the Massachusetts/Rhode Island radio market? I know it used to be available here until the sexual scandals broke in the mass media.
I choose Catholic Answers Live. I think this organization out performs all the others put together. Everyone should support Catholic Answers.

Hey Karl, can I get a free guess pass on the next Apologetics Cruise to Mexico? šŸ˜ƒ
On a off day at my kids school, I took them to the Ann Arbor, MI Science Center. We stopped off at WDEO on the way back to see the station and hit the bookstore there.

We watched Al Kresta doing his show, which the kids thought was neat; but by 6 year old really wanted to see Threasa Tomio instead (that who we listen to as we drive them to school)
In NY (tri-state area) I do not get any type of Catholic radio What-so-ever. I find it hard to believe theres no market in the biggest ciy in the world. Even if there is only a small market, arenā€™t us liberal NY sinners worthy of being evangelized?
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