Religion has caused more harm than the devil

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vsedriver . . .
homelessness is far more complicated then just needing a roof over your head. Homelessness encompasses addiction and mental illness. You can’t force someone to stop using and you can’t force someone to take meds for mental illness.
Excellent insights.
It is very true, some people choose to do it.

We have become less skilled at surviving off the land, for so long we lived off the environment and we were more adept at it.

We used to travel up and down the in UK and all over the world by foot and walk hundreds of miles and live in the wilderness and travel light.

If there were help points in all towns and cities with connections to 24 hour help points it would be a great thing. Anyone could access it whenever they need especially if homeless.
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Literally, there’s nothing more to say.

You don’t believe the devil exists.

Therefore, anything would cause more evil than a non-existent being.

So here’s the comprehensive list of things that caused more evil than the devil.


That is all.

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We have become less skilled at surviving off the land, for so long we lived off the environment and we were more adept at it.
you would be surprised at how many people still live off the land. But people who live in cities are dependent and less self-sufficient. So it is city life that lives on an edge. Small towns don’t seem to have homeless problems. At least, not in the north.
If there were help points in all towns and cities with connections to 24 hour help points it would be a great thing.
there are ‘help points’. I’m assuming you mean help for people who need help. But again, although there are all kinds of help available for the homeless, the majority are suffering from an addiction and/or mental illness.

The state has determined that the individual has sole rights to their medical treatment. In the past, a person could be committed to an institution that would help them get over their addiction and or help with their mental illness.

Now we wait till they commit a crime and put them in prison. Our prisons are now our mental health institutions.
I’m struggling to understand how “religion” is the problem when religion says “do not kill, do not covet, honor your father and mother”, and some choose to go against what religion says.

It seems to me that rebellion against religion- union with God- is what causes harm, rather than the authentic practice of it.

Self flagellation is well and good but humanity continues to make the same mistakes again and again without learning.
Because humanity does not operate like one person that learns, that is, each individual is faced with the same moral challenge, therefore errors will never end for humanity. Suffering is however part and parcel of charity, and that is a moral good.
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Religion says many things, but it is the actions that count. Many contexts. Thou shalt not kill, take up the sword etc.

It is right not to blame our ancestors because they are not alive to listen and to blame their descendants is wrong also, but it is frustrating when misunderstanding between religions continue and there is discrimination and persecution of religions, as with the persecution and torture of Christians in North Korea.
This is written on your profile under info section
. I find internet forums just to be a playground for people that like to argue , put others down, or slap labels on others, all the while patting themselves on the back for being so much better than those they deem inferior .
Your post mostly says that you do exactly same thing…
Why are you even on Catholic forums when you are so much frustrated by them on internet and outside?
If we have a parent we are child of someone and always will be according to some. There are various interpretations of child. we are all Gods children.

We are all capable of Good and evil no matter our religion.

The human body is being born every day, skin cells are a good example.

Jesus’s life began as embryo according to the Bible. We in history have started measuring our age from birth. Our genetics come from our parents, they have age.

You cannot have growth without age.

Human genetics, sperm, egg.

Religion tried to control people from 1275AD ie King Henry the third according to some.

The ravish a maiden law. For the common profit of the church of England. For almost 449,000 years sexuality was never a problem unless you raped someone. The Church took fines from people who had raped people.

Rape by religious leaders and people in power is continuously in the news. It shows that people are attracted to people no matter what their traditional age.

I do not mind asking questions and having it pointed out that I do not know much on certain subjects, I am looking to learn and I appreciate the education.

Yes, religion does not exactly have plan as Hitlers, thank God!

There are great people in all walks of life, there are bad people.

We cannot please all people all the time.

We can only try to listen and understand.

So, thank you everyone for this open discussion, and thank you for educating and listening, it truly is appreciated.

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religion fails spectacularly to solve rape
This is absurd. You’re accusing religion of failing to solve a problem that would be solved if people actually followed the religion, but in the absence of people following the religion, cannot be solved except by the extinction of the human race.

The line between good and evil runs through every human heart. For as long as humans exist (this side of the next life), rape will be possible. It can’t be comprehensively eliminated by religion or government, or by any other measure.

Or put another way… many of these problems WOULD be solved, if everyone actually followed the Christian religion. But the problem is that people don’t actually follow the religion. It’s not the religion’s fault that humans are hypocritical and fail to follow it well.

A truly practicing Christian wouldn’t commit rape. (Or abortion, or tell a lie, etc…) But the reality is that the world is full of non-Christians and of non-practicing Christians. That’s not Christianity’s fault. That’s the fault of each individual human being who fails to practice Christianity.
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Religion has the most teachers, moral teaching should be improved, religions are not great at moral teaching and it is proved by the continual stories of rape and sexual abuse.

Religions are trying harder it is true to fight it.

Humanity as whole fails to prevent rape.

Oppressing sexuality increases confliction. Moral confliction, desire want, a more complicated system, before religion, am I attracted to that person or not, do they want sex, yes or no. Simple. straight forward, simple truth. No confliction.
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The moral teachings of Catholicism are already perfect.

The problem is that people fail to follow these perfect moral teachings.

We’re all on the same side that individual teachers and catechists need to get better at faithfully proclaiming what the Church teaches, and that every individual needs to get better at faithfully obeying those teachings.

Rape and sexual abuse are categorically forbidden by Catholic teaching. Anywhere they occur (including by wolves in sheep’s clothing and false shepherds who fail to practice what they preach, and these hypocrites and wolves will surely face the fiercest punishments from God), it’s not because of Catholicism, but in spite of Catholicism.
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Religion says many things, but it is the actions that count. Many contexts. Thou shalt not kill, take up the sword etc.

It is right not to blame our ancestors because they are not alive to listen and to blame their descendants is wrong also, but it is frustrating when misunderstanding between religions continue and there is discrimination and persecution of religions, as with the persecution and torture of Christians in North Korea.
If it’s actions that count, shouldn’t you only be considering those actions that are in line with what the religion actually teaches?
who ever said he had to appear to do harm or influence people? Even so, he appeared one time in the garden of Eden and did enough damage to cause all of us to have to undergo suffering and death just to get back to a state where we MIGHT go to Heaven.

Plus, its to his benefit not to appear physically…seeing his evil would be incentive to not want to associate with him.
Beliefs are beliefs. But it doesn’t necessarily mean they are correct though.

Hitler stuck to his and they were wrong.

I believe that beer should be free but many disagree.

Jesus life cannot have begun as an embryo, as there cannot be growth without age.

We can believe many things and grow to learn better.

We can never fail totally until we die, we can only try again.

We can keep every homeless person warm on the streets, by allowing the provision of connection to electricity points owned by the government and heaters in cold climates.

It is great to get so many opinions, thank you everyone for this discussion.
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I will state again to the OP, please state what your definition of religion is, and when you have finally done that, please state what your definition of the devil is.

From what I have read of your posts, you do not appear to have a correct definition of either, and because of that, your arguments are simply a kind of diatribe and condemnation based on fallacies.

If I were to start complaining that people should not like carrots because they come from the dirt, and everybody knows that dirt and germs are bad for people, and have even caused death for many, and so carrots are responsible for people dying And thus we should totally eliminate carrots from our diet. . . People would rightly claim that I totally misunderstood the entire concept of everything from farming, vegetables, and nutrition. And they’d be right.

Well, your remarks on religion and the devil are pretty similar to my ‘carrots’ above. You take a concept, declare that it means something bad, and claim then that the concept has caused all kinds of ills and suffering.
The devil to me personally is a physical being.
Nope. The devil is a spirit. No physical body whatsoever. On your main point, you can complain all you want but when you remove God, chaos follows. Fact: there has never been a successful atheistic society in the history of humanity.
The bulk of money today is found among a few rich that make up only a fraction of the world population. I recall several human development reports which point that if the three richest people were to give up something like a tenth of their wealth, the amount will be enough to provide basic education to everyone. If the 200 richest people were to give up a similar fraction, the amount would be enough to provide for basic needs for everyone on the planet and thus minimize poverty dramatically.

The amount to be given up is actually very small for them because their own wealth grows readily thanks to financial speculation every two or three years. On top of that, the amount given up is spent on goods and services provided by companies which they own, which means the money ends up returning to them.

But all that isn’t a problem because the wealth involved ultimately amounts to numbers in hard drives. The real problem involves energy and material resources needed to ensure those basic needs, and those are not only fixed due to physical limitations in the biosphere it is also affected by diminishing returns due to gravity and other factors.

Finally, distribution of even a fraction of wealth (both virtual and physical) to ensure basic needs for the most number of people requires levels of compassion and coordination. For the religious, both become lacking when the devil rules people’s hearts and minds. And what challenges that rule is religious faith.
Jesus life cannot have begun as an embryo, as there cannot be growth without age.
Your point here is nonsensical. Anyone with experience in secondary-school biology can tell you that, from the moment of conception, an embryo immediately begins its cycle of mitosis. It grows and changes even before it is born. Thus, it has age.
Without physicality how can you prove he exists?
Can you prove time exists? It, by its very nature has no physicality of its own. It can only be seen in the physical things it effects. Thus it is the same for the devil. I have encountered legitimate cases of possession and demonic activity and can testify that the devil also has physical effects upon things.

Will you take an illiterate Filipino girl suddenly speaking in a perfect Medieval Florentine dialect as proof of the existence of a non-physical being? Objects being thrown across the room with enough force to damage a wall without being touched? That a young man could be beaten bloody before my very eyes without anyone going near him?

People dismiss these things as hallucinations, hysteria or lies. Well, the vast majority of Europe dismissed the Norse assertions of a Western landmass with the same excuses and now hundreds of millions of people now live on that landmass.
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