Religious education in the USA

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Just as an FYI, many atheists are in favor of a secular religious education as the Brits do it. It makes more atheists.
Great Britain does have good things that I admire very much, but their entire approach to religion from about the Reformation onwards is not one of them. Many groups left there and came to USA precisely so they could practice their religion the way they wanted, and not the way the British government wanted.
Lots of great posts here! Perhaps it’s not surprising that people who frequent a religious website know roughly twice as much as the average American does about religion.

@Tis_Bearself, that’s very informative and an interesting analysis. It’s interesting that two countries that have a lot in common should be so culturally different on this issue.
Another difference between the U.S. and the U.K. in regards to religion that shouldn’t be overlooked is that the United Kingdom is officially a Christian country, where Christianity (in the form of the Anglican Church) is the country’s — including the government’s — official religion, while United States is officially a secular country with no officially government-sponsored religion.

Hence, government (public) schools in the United States tend to avoid anything that has a religious context, lest someone sues them for violating the separation between Church and State.

British schools don’t have to worry about that at all. In British government-run schools, religion is NOT a verboten topic as it is here in the United States hence British schools are free to offer religion classes to their students as you have described.
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Hence, government (public) schools in the United States tend to avoid anything that has a religious context, lest someone sues them for violating the separation between Church and State.
In addition to that, even when they don’t avoid it, a public school in US that brings up a certain religion is prone to bad publicity, protests, or even a lawsuit if they say anything about a particular religion that is incorrect or perceived as denigrating to that religion. We have also had cases where a kid was given an assignment to write an assignment about another religion, or answer a test question about another religion, and parents objected and it went viral, especially if the other religion was non-Christian. For example, a calligraphy assignment was given where students had to write out some verses of the Islamic Q’uran and parents objected to their kids having to do that because to them it was like praying Muslim prayers.

Religion is a very hot-button topic in US public schools.
Asst Director of Religious Ed here and I missed the Kabbalah and noble truth questions.

I live in the American South, where Catholicism is a small minority, though our parish is the biggest church in our town. Our local public school system offers Intro to Scripture classes as electives.
Our local public school system offers Intro to Scripture classes as electives.
What does this class lessons consist of? Is it the Bible only? NT only? Or various other scriptures? Would you call it a comparative religion class or just a Christianity class? Could you also give a brief description to the reception of the class by the parents? Thanks!
Intro to the Hebrew Bible/OT: Course is a survey of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament with an emphasis on the history of the Nation of Israel, including some prophetic literature. Without indoctrination or bias for/against any religious groups, this course studies the contents of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament as it relates to history, geography, literature, culture, art, and ethics.
Intro to the NT: Without indoctrination or bias for/against any religious groups or denominations, this course studies the contents of the New Testament is it relates to history, geography, literature, culture, art, and ethics. Students survey the New Testament with an emphasis on the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth and the development of the early Christian Church.
Thank you. While biblical only, it still presents a Christian understanding of the material, I assume. While not delving into the theology, it is still a Christian rather than Jewish perspective with regards to the OT?
It asks 15 questions. I scored 15 out of 15. The questions are very basic! The thing that got me thinking was that after I’d completed the quiz it told me that I scored more than twice as highly as the average American
No, you scored more than twice what the average person who took that same test on the internet scored.

Polls are often skewed in order to get the results that are desired.

I have signed up online to take polls, 9 times out of 10 I am “screened out” of the poll before I can take it because those who are conducting the poll do not want middle aged women who make a low income as the sample group.

I’d need to see the sample group criteria on this poll.
There have been various elective courses in the past on The Bible as Literature, usually at the college level, so this just seems like a slightly expanded version of that, which I can see being offered as an elective to high school upperclassmen as well.

I think they’re based off the idea that the Bible is pretty pervasive in US society and American history, so if you aren’t learning about it elsewhere, like from your church, it would be helpful to have some acquaintance with it.
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The main difference between the UK and the USA is the separation between church and state. Public schools in the UK often have nativity plays which would not be allowed in American schools. Religion is therefore not an academic subject at public schools the way it is in the UK. So Christians in the US need to attend a religious school or receive catechesis from their parents or church. Despite all the UK education about religion it is a very secular country, in fact, more than that, religion is mocked and disrespected very publicly and by famous figures in the UK in a way that would be very offensive to large numbers of Americans.

Knowledge of a faith does not translate to belief.
I notice that the older you are the better your score. I got 15/15 but a lot of the answers I have picked up as I’ve gotten older as general knowledge rather than being taught it directly. Kabbalah for example was something I learnt about once I was in the US. I think as we age we pick up a lot of this knowledge from TV, newspapers, quizzes etc and bank it.
Religion is a very hot-button topic in US public schools.
I am old enough to remember when the Lord’s Prayer was recited prior to the start of class in the am until the Supreme Court nixed that. I also remember that it caused problems IMHO. The few Jewish students we had were made to go stand in the hallway. The few Catholics were made to say the Protestant version of the prayer or we got our butts tanned with a paddle.
I was an Orthodox Jew and had a teacher in fifth grade that realized that, while I stood and bowed my head, I did not recite the prayer. She made me get in front of the class and recite it. When I told my mom what happened…well, we had a very quick meeting with the teacher and principal. The teacher was a devout Baptist and truly thought she was saving my soul. She was reprimanded and I was placed in another class as the principal and my mother felt that the teacher didn’t seem to be able to accept that she did anything wrong. She continued teaching as it was unlikely she’d have another Jewish student in southern Florida!

To this day, it was one of my proudest moments of my mom. Usually, I was in the wrong! My mom became active in the elimination of prayer in school because of it. And she was right. School led prayer does not belong in school. Private, student prayer is protected and has always been legal.
Intro to the Hebrew Bible/OT: Course is a survey of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament with an emphasis on the history of the Nation of Israel, including some prophetic literature. Without indoctrination or bias for/against any religious groups, this course studies the contents of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament as it relates to history, geography, literature, culture, art, and ethics.
Intro to the NT: Without indoctrination or bias for/against any religious groups or denominations, this course studies the contents of the New Testament is it relates to history, geography, literature, culture, art, and ethics. Students survey the New Testament with an emphasis on the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth and the development of the early Christian Church.
So it’s protestant in nature, then? For example, they use the King James, NIV, or some other non-Catholic translation, correct? No linkage of the Bible to the Sacraments & the Catholic Church, correct?
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This is why religion doesn’t belong in public K-12 schools. I don’t know why people struggle with this concept the way so many do.
This is why religion doesn’t belong in public K-12 schools. I don’t know why people struggle with this concept the way so many do.
I think the real issue is that SOME schools are removing the moment of silence and actively dismissing religion, contradicting religion, and/or undermining religion.

YES - some people want non-denominational protestantism taught in public schools again; but I think that MOST religious people are getting upset about schools/teachers that deliberately or unintentionally undermine religious teachings & values.

Also there are some schools that are hypocritical. For example: they will teach the kids all about the holidays of Jewish, Muslim, Hindus, etc; but will not recognize what Easter & Christmas are. Also, public schools have ALWAYS ignored all Catholic holidays, yet will recognize non-Christian holidays. So that bugs some people (esp devout Catholics).

God Bless
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Schools should teach facts and reasoning and critical thinking skills. They don’t need to get into all the rest.

Of course there are facts in life that religious people don’t want taught in public K-12 schools. Those things can be negotiated, to an extent, I suppose. But not on the basis of religion. That will fail.

For those who want their children’s schooling to be reflective of and in alignment with their particular religious beliefs, then they should send them to a religious school that does that.
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This is why religion doesn’t belong in public K-12 schools. I don’t know why people struggle with this concept the way so many do.
In USA, it’s primarily Protestant fundamentalists who “struggle with the concept” because Catholics have such a long history of having their religious practice vilified by public school teachers, they simply started their own system of schools and don’t expect much of anything from the public schools.

I think people also “struggle with the concept” when religion (or particular religions) are actively disrespected, or when getting rid of religion is taken too far, such as not allowing students to have any sort of Christmas carols or trees or Santa even though the secular department store up the road has all those things.
Schools should teach facts and reasoning and critical thinking skills. They don’t need to get into all the rest.

Of course there are facts in life that religious people don’t want taught in public K-12 schools. Those things can be negotiated, to an extent, I suppose. But not on the basis of religion. That will fail.

For those who want their children’s schooling to be reflective of and in alignment with their particular religious beliefs, then they should send them to a religious school that does that.
I agree in part. However, two points:
  1. People of all religions should feel safe that the teachers will not undermine their faith. There are certain controversial issues that public schools would be better off if they ignored (like teaching about birth control and how to put on a condom). But they should be allowed to teach evolution as long as they don’t discredit creation. Things like this should be very simple.
  2. In regards to religious schools, the problem is that in some nations (like Canada) even religious schools are interfered with. And in some nations, homeschooling is outlawed. There are some in the United States that want to do everything in their power to eliminate religious schools and homeschooling.
or when getting rid of religion is taken too far,
Exactly. I read about a teacher who made it a class rule that it was only acceptable to say “gesundheit” after someone sneezed and that saying “God bless you” was against class rules.

That’s taking things too far.
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