Repeat Post: Conversation w/Liberals

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I loved this list so much I decided to repost it in our “new forum” so we can all laugh again.​

I don’t know whom to credit for this - I got from someone who got it from someone who got it from someone:

Top Fun Things to Say to Liberals to Make Them Mad Now that the Election Is Over
  1. Your papers, please.
  2. If you idiots ever shut up, I’d have nothing to laugh at!
  3. Who cares if Old Europe would’ve voted for Kerry? We protect old Europe. The children don’t tell the grownups when they want to go to bed.
  4. Thank God for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
  5. Are you going to Bible study tonight? You know, it’s mandatory now.
  6. How are you going to “secede from the Union?” You have no guns!
  7. I hear Canada is beautiful in the winter.
  8. I think I saw your name on the ‘red list’.
  9. Don’t feel so bad, you still have Hollywood.
  10. There was a guy in an unmarked Suburban asking about you.
  11. Someone told me Kerry was in Vietnam. Is that true?
  12. Now that you’re a minority, you can get affirmative action.
  13. I picked up a copy of Fahrenheit 911 for 50 cents at Wal-Mart.
  14. I picked up a case of Kerry/Edwards stickers out of the dumpster behind Wal-Mart.
  15. Did you hear they have Fox News in Canada now?
  16. I hear spotted owl is great in a turkey fryer.
  17. Your draft notice should be arriving soon in the mail.
  18. So who do you think Jeb will pick as his running mate in 2008?"
  19. I feel your pain
  20. Yeah, we stole another election. What are you going to do about it?
  21. Stop your whining and get into the revival tent.
  22. NO! You can’t have your country back!
  23. John Ashcroft will make a great Supreme Court Justice!
  24. My Halliburton stock really took off after the election!
  25. Now we can drill for oil in Alaska.
  26. It was God’s will that George W. Bush remain President.
  27. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR.
  28. You know, I’ve been thinking about what you guys keep saying about Bush not being elected in 2000. I think you’re right, of course, that makes him eligible to run again in 2008.
  29. Registered Democrats will be required to take sensitivity training classes on conservative values.
  30. Here’s a thermonuclear addition: OK, OK, Bush IS Hitler - that’s why I voted for him!
  31. When are you idiots going to hurry up and move to Canada?
  32. Here that? That is the sound of a baby not being aborted.
  33. Laura Bush for President in 2008!
Definitely worth re-posting.

I loved it. And I sent it to my family and friends who voted for Kerry. But none of them commented. Hmmmm, I wonder why. :confused: Methinks, the liberals lost their sense of humor. 🙂
Great Post!

And I was thinking you guys didn’t understand Satire/sarcasim!
BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I particularly liked number 6! Hope you don’t mind I did a quick cut and paste and sent it to my conservative friends.

I tell you I NEEDED this having spent the evening at a talk where ther were four hundred people and I think two conservatives. Speakers John Dominic Crossen and Jonathan Reed. Discussing their new book on Paul and of course hawking the book. They spent much time dismissing President Bush and his policies and said there can’t be peace with victory, only peace with justice. Shoot why didn’t we think of that? I guess we could have told Hitler it wasn’t just to kill the Jews. Guess we should have told Saddam to quit gassing the Kurds and cutting off appendages. I am sure both men would have turned into Ghandi overnight. Sheesh, is it me or do liberals not understand there are BAD GUYS in the world and they don’t do well with reason?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I particularly liked number 6! Hope you don’t mind I did a quick cut and paste and sent it to my conservative friends.

I tell you I NEEDED this having spent the evening at a talk where ther were four hundred people and I think two conservatives. Speakers John Dominic Crossen and Jonathan Reed.
Glad you enjoyed it - I laugh every time I read it and after reading your post, I am assuming that you are trying to do your purgatory on earth - an evening with Crossan would drive me to strong tea.
Sheesh. I always find myself saying to the TV whenever I see him, aw just shut up!
Great Post!

And I was thinking you guys didn’t understand Satire/sarcasim!
Well if you think the list is funny of itself, check out #27

and then this “true” column from the NYTimes:

“…Yet here’s how Jeff Zucker, the NBC president, summed up the attributes of Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw’s successor, to Peter Johnson of USA Today: “No one understands this Nascar nation more than Brian.” Mr. Zucker was in sync with his boss, Bob Wright, the NBC Universal chairman, who described America as a “red state world” on the eve of Mr. Brokaw’s retirement. Though it may come as news to those running NBC, we actually live in a red-and-blue-state country…”
unlike conservatives… liberals can rally and support the one elected, but the biggest difference is liberals aren’t afraid to be americans and critize their man when he/she is wrong… 👍

the other guys will follow failure to the bottom of the ocean and place blame for his/her failure on everyone else but the author of the problem…

but that’s ok, it’s america… i support thier right to vote their best hope for america, and i promise not to dump salt in the wound if it comes back to bite them…

i only hope success for whomever, because theorethically if the administration succeeds then we all should succeed…

it’s a poverty that some find pleasure in their perception of someone elses loss…

peace 👍
Oh well,

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponant.
Glad you enjoyed it - I laugh every time I read it and after reading your post, I am assuming that you are trying to do your purgatory on earth - an evening with Crossan would drive me to strong tea.
Sheesh. I always find myself saying to the TV whenever I see him, aw just shut up!
I’ve heard him speak before but he stuck to Biblical archeaology and didn’t say anything about politics. He had lots of slides of the towns where Paul preached and it was fascinating how well preserved some of the structures are, particularly their amphetheatres. Crossen was doing an all day workshop (I am a volunteer so I took tickets and left before it started) One of the sections was on “Paul and women/sexuality.” He prefaced the discussion by saying well yes Paul had stated that homosexuality was abnormal but then Paul was wrong…YIKES. I guess we know more than Paul? I don’t know it’s a shame because he’s obviously a very knowledgeable man. I guess he used to be a Catholic priest.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I’ve heard him speak before but he stuck to Biblical archeaology and didn’t say anything about politics. He had lots of slides of the towns where Paul preached and it was fascinating how well preserved some of the structures are, particularly their amphetheatres. Crossen was doing an all day workshop (I am a volunteer so I took tickets and left before it started) One of the sections was on “Paul and women/sexuality.” He prefaced the discussion by saying well yes Paul had stated that homosexuality was abnormal but then Paul was wrong…YIKES. I guess we know more than Paul? I don’t know it’s a shame because he’s obviously a very knowledgeable man. I guess he used to be a Catholic priest.

Lisa N
Crossan is an ex–priest and has somehow sold himself to the History channel for a number of their programs - drivs me wild everytime I hear him and he is part of the “Jesus Seminar” which is something else indeed.

Croissan is well educated, well spoken and has used that to “sell” a bill of goods.
Lisa N:
I’ve heard him speak before but he stuck to Biblical archeaology and didn’t say anything about politics. He had lots of slides of the towns where Paul preached and it was fascinating how well preserved some of the structures are, particularly their amphetheatres. Crossen was doing an all day workshop (I am a volunteer so I took tickets and left before it started) One of the sections was on “Paul and women/sexuality.” He prefaced the discussion by saying well yes Paul had stated that homosexuality was abnormal but then Paul was wrong…YIKES. I guess we know more than Paul? I don’t know it’s a shame because he’s obviously a very knowledgeable man. I guess he used to be a Catholic priest.

Lisa N
Crossan is an ex–priest and has somehow sold himself to the History channel for a number of their programs - drives me wild everytime I hear him and he is part of the “Jesus Seminar” which is something else indeed.

Crossan is well educated, well spoken and has used that to “sell” a bill of goods.
Hadn’t heard much of Crossen; know something of the “Jesus Seminar”. Interesting how a group of people that know nothing about the LORD can start a seminar in His “Honor”. “Educated”? Hum, I guess that shows that there is a difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom”; and what happens when one declares himself “wise”’.
Hadn’t heard much of Crossen; know something of the “Jesus Seminar”. Interesting how a group of people that know nothing about the LORD can start a seminar in His “Honor”. “Educated”? Hum, I guess that shows that there is a difference between “Knowledge” and “Wisdom”; and what happens when one declares himself “wise”’.
He’s one of its principals - it’s the usual reasoning: I am an expert because I say I’m an expert and here are three or four other self proclaimed experts who KNOW these things - should you reject me, I whip out credentials, alphabet letters after my name and that makes me RIGHT. :sleep:
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