Report: Abbas to announce new stance on right of return

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Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas will tell militant Palestinian factions meeting in Cairo Tuesday that the right of return of refugees should be looked upon “realistically,” and that not all Palestinian exiles will return to former homes in Israel and the territories, Israel Radio said, quoting the London-based Asharq al Awsat newspaper.

Palestinian sources told the paper that Abbas will tell the participants in the Cairo parley that the right of return cannot be fully implemented, and that those who cannot return should be granted compensation.

Palestinian officials hope that the planned three days of discussions will conclude with a declaration of a hudna, or cease-fire, to which all Palestinian organizations will agree, including such militant groups as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

Abbas is expected to ask the groups to agree to a truce even if Israel violates it. He will stress that he will hold firm in talks with Israel on other core issues, including Jerusalem, settlements, and release of Palestinian prisoners.

The unofficial Palestinian position is that refugees who wish to do - primarily those who live in Lebanon - should be allowed to re-settle in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and that those who choose not to, should receive compensation.

Militant organizations have long held that Israel has no right to exist, and that once the Jewish state is dismantled, all refugees should return to their former homes and villages.

Handover negotiations; new fence route Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz was preparing to meet Monday with Palestinian Interior Minister Nasser Yousef over the deadlocked transfer of West Bank towns to Palestinian security control.

The two sides hope to settle the latest dispute which has delayed the Palestinian Authority’s assuming control of Jericho. Should Israel and the PA reach a breakthrough, it will likely speed up the transfer of Tul Karm as well.

Sharon, Abbas exchange views over airwaves Sharon and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas held an indirect exchange of views Sunday night, starting with Abbas telling Channel 1 that, after the anticipated announcement this week of a formal cease-fire by all the Palestinian factions, he would be ready for full-scale diplomatic talks.

Sharon was meeting with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan Sunday night in Jerusalem when the state-run television station carried the interview with Abbas. Sharon responded by telling Annan that there would be no progress on the road map peace plan until the Palestinian armed factions are completely disarmed, rejecting Abbas’s proposal that a cease-fire would be enough to allow the start of final-status agreement negotiations. Sharon told Annan, who is in the country for Tuesday’s opening of the new Holocaust History Museum at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Rememberance Authority, that the PA must also end incitement in mosques and eliminate anti-Israeli incitement in PA textbooks before Israel would agree to peace negotiations. Sharon said that there has been a drop in incitement, but that it was not enough. Sharon also told Annan that Hezbollah’s meddling in Palestinian affairs, including by financing terrorist attacks, was endangering Abbas’ rule.
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