Report: Facebook Manually Censored NY Post Biden Corruption Bombshell

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More leftist election interference.

The allegations about Trump, Russia, and election interference was just more leftist projection all the time the last several years.

Absolutely amazing that President Trump is going to win despite all this leftist electioneering.

The left wanted a Harris 2021 election manipulation and they are not going to get it.

The conservative news people warned the citizens to watch her closely back in July when her Wikipedia page was dramatically cleaned up in an attempt to fool the voters.


Report: Facebook Manually Censored NY Post Biden Corruption Bombshell​

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Anthony Quintano/Flickr


1 Nov 2020

A report published this week alleges that Facebook manually censored the New York Post bombshell story about Biden family corruption. According to the Guardian, Facebook moderators manually overrode the platform’s automatic processes to censor the Post , an effort that successfully censored about half of the engagement the article would have received, according to researchers.

According to a report by the Guardian , internal documents from Facebook suggest that the platform intentionally restricted the distribution of a New York Post report that allegedly revealed ties between Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and a Ukrainian energy company. The suppression was not automatic or based on Facebook’s AI and algorithmic approach to content, but rather done by hand by Facebook moderators . . . .
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