Could you give me any guidance in understanding the LGBT movement and in particular understanding people involved with that movement?
I wasn’t born yesterday (literally!) but that movement seems rather peculiar & I wonder whether being compassionate, as the Catechism calls us to be, might involve coming to understand this stuff better.
I believe the LGBT movement is a group of people who are looking for acceptance of a lifestyle that
they have come to through a variety of reasons. Unfortunately this lifestyle is morally repugnant. For
a long period of time now the mythical “homosexual person” in the secular world has been presented
as a normal healthy reality in media, school and some “churches”. It is not at all surprising that a large
percentage of people today have come to accept the mythical “homosexual person” as real. It seems as
though the push for acceptance of the mythical “bisexual person” and “transgender person” as real will
be relatively easy thanks to the ground work done with the mythical “homosexual person”. This was
not always the case not long ago it was recognized that SSA is a temptation and SS behavior a sin and
the mythical “homosexual person” was not considered.
We all have difficulty with our sinful thoughts and behavior if we have a love for the Lord we should
feel a sense of shame for these thoughts and behavior. The proper things for us to do are repent then ask
for forgiveness and Grace which the Lord is happy to do. This is not always easy to do and we are
tempted to rationalize these thoughts and behavior. I believe the leader of this LGBT movement is
Satan it seems as though many people today do not view Satan as the real and present danger that he is
and I am sure the evil one is pleased with this.
Without rational reason the Magisterium claims the mythical “homosexual person” real. People will
give emotional argument and rationalization and believe that is sufficient to resolve the issue. It is not
and no one has presented tangible proof of exclusive SSA or reference to exclusive SSA in the Sacred
Deposit of Faith.
God bless