We’ll see. All you need is one gung-ho DA. And I think you’re missing the point–women shouldn’t have to rely on the good will / common sense / whatever of the DA. They should be protected by the law itself, which should be clear and unambiguous. This law is neither.No woman is being prosecuted for abortion. That isn’t happening no matter what hysteria a left wing magazine wants to instigate. Plenty of DAs in Georgia have already said as much.
And, as many others have pointed out, the Georgia and Alabama laws are counter-productive in the sense they are provoking more pro-choice laws in more liberal states like NY, California, and Virginia. But we all know these laws really have one purpose: reverse Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court. Good luck with that.
Good night all. And doesn’t anyone want to have some fun and take my T-F test in post 99?