Catholics, please pay attention. Science will never prove that the universe created itself. God himself has Revealed that he created the universe, in time, out of nothing. And that is the De Fide Dogma of the Catholic Church. So if certain people. like Richard Hawkins, claim or intimate that they can do so, they are simply lying, period. How do I know? God does not lie. So when you run into these clever people, making such claims, if you can’t find the holes in their reasoning, you are not defeated. You have your faith that tells you the truth. You hang on to that. Now in this thread, there have been links to works which refute Hawkings. If you can’t understand them, then simply hang on to the faith and let it go.
Anthony Rizzi is a Catholic Physicist who defends the teaching of the Church, carte’ blanche. So do Smith and the others.