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Why do priests retire at seventy-five. I think that is a little to old because alot of times they are having poor health and trouble performing thier duties. I think if a priest is having troubles performing thier duties or can’t hear or respond for example they should retire.
Priests retire at 75 because there is a priest shortage on. There are more guys than ever in the seminaries now so in about 7 years there should be many more priests. Plus a priest never really retires, they just stop being in charge of a parish, and start helping out. What would you have all the old priests do anyway all they have done is be a priest for ever and they still must say mass every day and pray the divine office every day, so like I said they never really retire.
Why do priests retire at seventy-five. I think that is a little to old because alot of times they are having poor health and trouble performing thier duties. I think if a priest is having troubles performing thier duties or can’t hear or respond for example they should retire.
HM! No one thought that about Padre Pio. He was really sick the last few years. They rioted when the church tried to move him and retire him. 👍

One the other hand many many priests do retire. Most in fact now days at 75. They do however continue to be a priest and to say mass as long as they are able. Many retired priests fill in at various parishes for priests who have to be gone. I am grateful for each and every one of them. With today’s priest shortage, be grateful you have one. He still brings us the Sacraments and that is worth everything. If he stumbles a bit…that’s sad but at least he is bring Christ in the Eucharist to you.
HM! No one thought that about Padre Pio. He was really sick the last few years. They rioted when the church tried to move him and retire him. 👍

One the other hand many many priests do retire. Most in fact now days at 75. They do however continue to be a priest and to say mass as long as they are able. Many retired priests fill in at various parishes for priests who have to be gone. I am grateful for each and every one of them. With today’s priest shortage, be grateful you have one. He still brings us the Sacraments and that is worth everything. If he stumbles a bit…that’s sad but at least he is bring Christ in the Eucharist to you.
Good point there are a lot of old priests out there still bringing Love to us every day, and we need to support them. Give to the retired fund, as retired does not mean they are not still working for the salvation of souls.
Good point there are a lot of old priests out there still bringing Love to us every day, and we need to support them. Give to the retired fund, as retired does not mean they are not still working for the salvation of souls.
This is so true. We should support them better in their so called retirement years.

A very dear priest friend who was my former pastor, retired 12 years ago. He retired at age 62 because his health was so bad he was not expected to live very long. His heart was so bad he had only half of it functioning after many heart silent attacks before it felled him the last time. It was a blow to the parish at the time.

I could not envision though the great work that Father would do in his retirement. Ill as he was, he has managed to continue his ministry in ways he never could while in active ministry. Father was so sick and just out of the hospital when the parish held our goodbye reception. The tears flowed I can tell you. Another parishioner who was a doctor, made arrangements to fly home with Father to New York. He was afraid Father could not even make his last journey.

Thus began a ministry of the likes which many of our beloved priests take up in retirement. On the way to the airport, someone called for a priest to visit a man in the hospital who was dying. The man had not been to church in 32 years. Father John insisted he would stop at the hospital on his way to the airport as the new priest was not due in until the next day. The doctor friend was adamant Father could not stand the pressure let alone they would miss the plane. Father insisted anyway. They went to the hospital and Father brought 'Christ" to one of His lost sheep. The man died after Father had heard his confession and anointed him. One last save for Jesus is what we all thought.

This pattern though never changed. Father continued to minister to people in nursing homes in his native New York.
He evangelized through his life of suffering. love and charity. Each year while he was still able, he instructed nursing home patients and prepared many for reception into the church. The stories are legends of holiness and grace to we who know Father. Miracle abounded. From his hearing confessions in a Banks Vault on ash Wednesday (one of my favorite ones) to many other grace filled stories of his love and dedication.

Father John himself is bedridden now and at his journeys end. He is still ministering to me and his little flock though.
When I call Father John for advice, he takes the time as always. It’s not easy, he can barely breath for the pain and medications but he still gives freely because He is a priest of God who says he will never retire here. He doesn’t think heaven will be about retirement either.
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