C Convert3 Guest Jul 19, 2020 #2,223 No, but I do have an Apple Watch. TPAM goes to a park to exercise.
G GEddie Guest Jul 19, 2020 #2,224 Nope. Driving several miles to exercise kinda defeats the purpose. TPAM is a wine expert.
C CRV Guest Jul 19, 2020 #2,225 Definitely not … TPAM still sends/gives cards at Christmas, birthdays etc
C CRV Guest Jul 19, 2020 #2,227 Yes, a long time ago. TPAM first job was working in a large department store.
U UpUpAndAway Guest Jul 21, 2020 #2,230 Yes, at least ten times that many. TPAM regularly takes something to help him/her sleep.
J jvickers Guest Jul 21, 2020 #2,231 Yes. Without it, I’d be up thinking all night long! TPAM cuts their toast before eating it.
J jvickers Guest Jul 21, 2020 #2,233 Actually, we do! It’s a small exercise trampoline that only my wife uses. TPAM has a swimming pool.
U upant Guest Jul 23, 2020 #2,237 a brand name thermos? no but plenty of off brand TPAM puts ice in their coffee
H Hunho Guest Jul 24, 2020 #2,239 No, just an old -style wet mop. TPAM has a pilot’s license for helicopters.