Return of yet another oldie - TPAM [The Poster After Me]

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No, still to much to learn myself. But I try to find other ways to serve.

TPAM has never run more than three miles.
Oh no, I’ve run much farther than that.

TPAM takes a walk every day, rain or shine. :walking_man: 🌧️ :walking_woman: ☀️
No I’ve rented a car a number of times

TPAM has a cup with a family photo printed on it.
Nope…no family business to take over…two of my younger brothers started their own businesses, and did very well…

TPAM is a fan of ‘American Pickers’.
No, on Tuesday at 6:30pm

TPAM had beef for dinner tonight
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i had a slice of roast beef at the deli to see if i liked it, i got a 1/2 lb

but no dinner

TPAM likes pizza without tomato sauce
Don’t recall having many without tomato sauce

TPAM likes to eat hot soups during the summer.
I do. Everyone thinks I’m weird, but I’m used to that. :crazy_face:

TPAM is hungry. 😐
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