Return of yet another oldie - TPAM [The Poster After Me]

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Nope…never even considered it…I can’t imagine voluntarily poking my finger in my eye on a daily basis.

TPAM is an Alfred Hitchcock fan.
Just watched “The Rear Window” the other day. We have a collection of his movies on dvd.

TPAM never misses voting in an election.
Just watched “The Rear Window” the other day.
One of my favorites…‘North by Northwest’ is at the top of the list, but it’s a crowded list…
TPAM never misses voting in an election.
True…we moved to our house many years ago, but too late to register to vote in the local elections, so I had to go back to the old township to vote…my [non-resident] vote caused a tie on a township roads maintenance issue. Knowing that my vote is important, I’m not about to miss voting…

TPAM has run for local office.
No, but I was once appointed to the township Planning Commission.

TPAM has lived in their home more than ten years.
32 years almost to the day…we love it here…

TPAM is watching college football this afternoon.
No, putting up a Christmas tree most likely. Wife started decorating yesterday.

TPAM has done a dna 🧬 test to see their family history.
Yes I have! I’m a bit Swedish, English, Swiss, German, and Russian Jew. Earliest ancestors to the US that I can trace are English in 1619 Jamestown, VA.
No, but I do have two sisters-in-law that I love very much as my own sisters.

TPAM prefers old movies over newer movies.
Definitely…there’s no comparison…my ‘top ten’ are all 1960’s or older…

TPAM enjoyed “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
Excellent movie and book!

TPAM is very upset about their (American) football team today.
No—disappointed, but we had a tough opponent so being “very upset” would be unreasonable.

TPAM wants pizza for dinner tonight. 🍕
In fact, my family is having pizza tonight.

TPAM has been to a library recently.
Not very recently.

TPAM has read a book in a language other than English.
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