Revelation From God?

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Hello all, I have a friend who has had a conversion from being a fallen away Catholic to being a faithful Catholic. When he was “fallen away” he was involved in spells and a semi-witchcraft. However, he said he always invoked Jesus’ name even then. He has since had a conversion, has gone to confession, abd prays the rosary daily. However, in the last two months and since then, he claims GOD speaks to him and inspires him to write. The writings are a prophesy/revelation type of thing. However, I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary." I think this is all freaky, and I have told him to see a spiritual director, but he says he speaks to a certain priest in the USA who (I leave nameless) who has the stigmatta, and that HE believes him. My other friend who is always chasing after apparitions etc believes this is from God, but I am more skeptic here. What do you all recommend??? Thanks for all your advice.🙂
Hello all, I have a friend who has had a conversion from being a fallen away Catholic to being a faithful Catholic. When he was “fallen away” he was involved in spells and a semi-witchcraft. However, he said he always invoked Jesus’ name even then. He has since had a conversion, has gone to confession, abd prays the rosary daily. However, in the last two months and since then, he claims GOD speaks to him and inspires him to write. The writings are a prophesy/revelation type of thing. However, I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary." I think this is all freaky, and I have told him to see a spiritual director, but he says he speaks to a certain priest in the USA who (I leave nameless) who has the stigmatta, and that HE believes him. My other friend who is always chasing after apparitions etc believes this is from God, but I am more skeptic here. What do you all recommend??? Thanks for all your advice.🙂
Feel free to add any comments all, thanks.
Dear friend

IF and I say ‘IF’ this is a personal revelation from God to your friend, as you know this is not binding on yourself, even if he does seek church approval of his alledged apparitions, messages and insights.

Moreover, your friend has in the past opened himself up to all manner of evil spirits by dabbling in the occult. It is known that evil will sometimes attempt to present itself as good in order to deceive humanity. He may well have invoked the name of Jesus, but that does not mean that evil spirits will not be allowed to approach this person as a lesson of what he was entangling himself in, in the past.

Your friend has left the past behind him and became a new creation in Christ, but his fascination for the supernatural is not grounded in the ability to trust in the unseen, he must see it and he must have some form of manifestation for his beliefs. As you know, faith does not require manifestation of messages or spirits to confirm God is our Creator and that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. His fascination for the ‘fanciful’ has led him, in my opinion, to seek the ‘extra-ordinary’ of supernatural messages and abilities. Whether this arises out of a need to be ‘special’ or ‘important’ due to a lack of self-esteem, that is not clear to me, but it is a possibility.

As for his message explicitly to you, this is most unusual for private revelations. Private revelation if it involves a person outside of the person receiving the revelations, is usually for the ‘whole of humanity’ not simply for one person. We have to ask ourselves… ‘Why would Christ Jesus give messages to an individual on a regular basis?’ It has to be , to deign, Divine revlation, a message for the whole of humanity or a particular country.

I would personally take what your friend says with a pinch of salt. It will do no good to tell him to be skepetical of himself, test the spirits, doubtful even of the revelation he MAY be receiving, cautious to believe them and seek much advice before even daring to talk to another about them.

Humility is the first sign of a true revelation. The person usually is reluctant to discuss them and discerning of them himself!

Maybe your friend is in need of deliverance, before anything can be established as to the aunthenticity of his claims. He would have to undergo extreme tests and psychological evaluation if he desires to make these revelations public.

If these ‘messages’ he receives deepen his faith and draw him closer to God , then good for your friend. It would be unkind to mock his claims, but by the same manner it would not be prudent to believe them either.

Ultimately…you shall know them by their fruit

I would recommend he spend more time in meeting with Jesus in the sacraments and in Sacred Scripture and ignore these messages presently. I recommend he invoke the Holy Spirit for discernment and I recommend that he seek a Priest who is NOT a mystic to counsel him and advise him. I recommend he see a medical practitioner for his own peace of mind to be assessed psyhcologically ( I am not saying your friend is crazy, it would be of benefit to his peace of mind to know if there is a medical problem or not) and I recommend he spend time with people, more time with people than he presently is doing.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hi Misericordie,

This sounds to me like mental illness. Watch out.

Dear Misericordie,

You did not mention how you felt when the “message” was given to you. Discerning the Spirit behind the words is important so you can put the statement to rest, one way or another.

God’s Holy Spirit, even in admonishment or exhortation, does not cause unrest, shame, anxiety, urgency, or anything of this sort. I have always found that even when God gives us correction, there is a sweet inspiration to repent and try again to do better, coupled with praise for sending us His words, and a quiet, gentle peace. Sometimes tears of joy flow softly as we thank Him for showing us the way.

I’m speaking to one like yourself who loves God and tries to follow Him. This is the usual way He calls back His straying sheep. Remember the first reading two Sundays ago? “The bruised reed He will not break; the smouldering wick, He will not extinguish.”

For those who know Him not and are steeped in sin, He will use a much stronger lye of rebuke to deliver them and bring them to their senses.

I pray this will help you see the difference, and recognize the source of the message.

Your friend in Christ,
I would not want a friend telling me that God told him to tell me,etc. I guess it is not harmful to pray the rosary more and that would be an easy one to answer. However, if God, through this person, started telling me strange and unacceptable things I would think this was mental illness.
However, I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary."
Let me quote Abraham Lincoln when approached by a woman who said that God told her that He wanted Lincoln to free the slaves immediately, “Madam, why would the Lord go to all the trouble to speak thus to you when He could have told me directly?”

I do believe that God gives “words of wisdom” to people to pass on to others, but I’ve found that those to whom this is given are mature, prayful individuals who have a gift of discernment.

Based on his history, your friend seems explicitly to lack this gift and, frankly, I wouldn’t listen to him. If the Lord wants to give you a message, He will confirm it with others whom you can trust.

Hi M,

Anyone claiming words from God, is in dire need of ongoing Spiritual Direction. This is nothing to fool around with.

Did you ask your friend how he came to know this priest with a stigmata? or how often he is counseled? This should be something that could be verified.

I can’t believe that a solid, faithful person like you would even put any credence in this message–it certaily seems to come more from this person than from God.
I would not want a friend telling me that God told him to tell me,etc. I guess it is not harmful to pray the rosary more and that would be an easy one to answer. However, if God, through this person, started telling me strange and unacceptable things I would think this was mental illness.
YUP I agree!!! Also a lack of spiritual maturity/ and psychological maturity. He lives with his parents at age 48. Okay he once was married, but seperated. But living with mom at age 48 is not to healthy.
Hi M,

Anyone claiming words from God, is in dire need of ongoing Spiritual Direction. This is nothing to fool around with.

Did you ask your friend how he came to know this priest with a stigmata? or how often he is counseled? This should be something that could be verified.

I can’t believe that a solid, faithful person like you would even put any credence in this message–it certaily seems to come more from this person than from God.
Thanks, true.
Hello all, I have a friend who has had a conversion from being a fallen away Catholic to being a faithful Catholic. When he was “fallen away” he was involved in spells and a semi-witchcraft. However, he said he always invoked Jesus’ name even then. He has since had a conversion, has gone to confession, abd prays the rosary daily. However, in the last two months and since then, he claims GOD speaks to him and inspires him to write. The writings are a prophesy/revelation type of thing. However, I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary." I think this is all freaky, and I have told him to see a spiritual director, but he says he speaks to a certain priest in the USA who (I leave nameless) who has the stigmatta, and that HE believes him. My other friend who is always chasing after apparitions etc believes this is from God, but I am more skeptic here. What do you all recommend??? Thanks for all your advice.🙂
I’d probably write it off as an over zealous imagination of somebody who wants to be touched in a special way by God. You don’t have to answer this but are you not praying as intensely and/or stopped praying the rosary? If you answer in the negative, it might help your friend to tell him that his messages do not contain truth as you do pray much and pray the rosary. MAYBE this will help him see that he’s being mislead by something whether it be prideor other false prophets. You might suggest that he sprinkle LOTS of holy water around and pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment.
Oops! BTW, if your answer is in the affirmative, while I still think your friend might have a problem, God might be using him to advance your spirituality. You never know! 😉
I’d probably write it off as an over zealous imagination of somebody who wants to be touched in a special way by God. You don’t have to answer this but are you not praying as intensely and/or stopped praying the rosary? If you answer in the negative, it might help your friend to tell him that his messages do not contain truth as you do pray much and pray the rosary. MAYBE this will help him see that he’s being mislead by something whether it be prideor other false prophets. You might suggest that he sprinkle LOTS of holy water around and pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment.
Thanks, this is so true. I am not a very big believer in most people who clain to hear voces of God, etc, UNLESS they are APPROVED BY THE VATICAN OR LOCAL BISHOP!!! THANKS good advice.🙂
I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary."

I need to show you that I am a prophet from God because that gives me great power and self esteme. Next thing you know he opens a compound and has the ATF and FBI knocking on his door. Sounds like he wants to have charisma and lead people.

Dear friends

No-one knows if this person is mentally ill, sane, attention seeking, swept away in love of Christ, over-imagining or indeed genuine. Common sense is telling me that these messages are not genuine. Even so, no-one should be unkind to this young man.

I presume that this young man is still your friend and as a friend I would simply take no notice of what he is saying, once the attention to his insights have dwindled he will cease doing this.

I hope your friendship with this young man blossoms in the love and kindness of Christ and that you will be of support to him and him to you for many many years to come.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

With the very small amount of information that we (other than Misericordie) know about this person, none of us is in much of a position to make a statement on this persons mental or spiritual condition, unless we also claim to have some special revelation from God.

Whenever people tell me things like that, I keep in mind 1 Thessalonians 5, where we are told to test everything but also to not put out the Spirit’s fire. I thank them for their words to me and then I try to discern whether it is a true message. I don’t worry too much about whether God really told them to tell me that because even if he didn’t, their words may be good advice anyway. I also don’t want to be guilty of ignoring a message from God, as God can even use the wicked to speak his truth. After all, he used a donkey to get Balaam’s attention. . .
With the very small amount of information that we (other than Misericordie) know about this person, none of us is in much of a position to make a statement on this persons mental or spiritual condition, unless we also claim to have some special revelation from God.

Whenever people tell me things like that, I keep in mind 1 Thessalonians 5, where we are told to test everything but also to not put out the Spirit’s fire. I thank them for their words to me and then I try to discern whether it is a true message. I don’t worry too much about whether God really told them to tell me that because even if he didn’t, their words may be good advice anyway. I also don’t want to be guilty of ignoring a message from God, as God can even use the wicked to speak his truth. After all, he used a donkey to get Balaam’s attention. . .
Dear friend

Your kindness is beautiful. I agree with you 100%.

There is NO revelation that can exceed that of Christ Jesus as He is God Himself and His Word is total revelation of God. Only subsequent revelations serve to enlighten by the Power of the Holy Spirit, the revelations of Christ Jesus to humanity.

With this in mind when so many come forward and claim to have been given a message or revelation that applies to others than themself, I am very very wary, in the end times, Christ Jesus said there would be many false prophets rising up.

Everyone has a personal revelation of Christ and this is the gift of faith and from then on is built on faith. Everyone develops a personal relationship with Christ Jesus by revelation in enlightenment of His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. This may come by words of others, say a Priest, by Sacred Scripture and through the Majesterium of the Church. We all aid each other to heaven and are there to encourage each other to keep steadfast in the faith.

However, that does not mean we are to take on board every word uttered in claims of messages…be meek as lambs and wise as serpents…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Oops! BTW, if your answer is in the affirmative, while I still think your friend might have a problem, God might be using him to advance your spirituality. You never know! 😉
LOL, thanks, and this is true.
Hello all, I have a friend who has had a conversion from being a fallen away Catholic to being a faithful Catholic. When he was “fallen away” he was involved in spells and a semi-witchcraft. However, he said he always invoked Jesus’ name even then. He has since had a conversion, has gone to confession, abd prays the rosary daily. However, in the last two months and since then, he claims GOD speaks to him and inspires him to write. The writings are a prophesy/revelation type of thing. However, I have become concered because last night he calls me and tells me: “God is dissapointed in you(me) because you have not been praying much and are slipping spiritually away” and are not praying the rosary." I think this is all freaky, and I have told him to see a spiritual director, but he says he speaks to a certain priest in the USA who (I leave nameless) who has the stigmatta, and that HE believes him. My other friend who is always chasing after apparitions etc believes this is from God, but I am more skeptic here. What do you all recommend??? Thanks for all your advice.🙂
I welcome MORE advice. Thanks.🙂
With the very small amount of information that we (other than Misericordie) know about this person, none of us is in much of a position to make a statement on this persons mental or spiritual condition, unless we also claim to have some special revelation from God.

Whenever people tell me things like that, I keep in mind 1 Thessalonians 5, where we are told to test everything but also to not put out the Spirit’s fire. I thank them for their words to me and then I try to discern whether it is a true message. I don’t worry too much about whether God really told them to tell me that because even if he didn’t, their words may be good advice anyway. I also don’t want to be guilty of ignoring a message from God, as God can even use the wicked to speak his truth. After all, he used a donkey to get Balaam’s attention. . .
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