Reverend Thomas Fanta, pastor of St. Dominic’s in Shaker Heights, Ohio, announced via YouTube that he and his parish would begin offering the Holy Euc

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(If you wish to take the bag and Eucharist home he also has “several hundred pyxes” with which to transport them.)

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Well this is a recipe for abuse, sacrilege and disaster. Keep an eye on online auctions for the Eucharist once he starts this. We have seen it before with people who have removed the Eucharist from Churches, and even discussed it on here.
I should say, this seems like sacrilege already. Ziplock baggies, as though our Lord is akin to cheddar goldfish? Terrible.
  1. Sacred vessels are to be made from precious metal. If they are made from metal that rusts or from a metal less precious than gold, then ordinarily they should be gilded on the inside.
  2. In the dioceses of the United States of America, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, according to the common estimation in each region, are precious, for example, ebony or other hard woods, provided that such materials are suited to sacred use and do not easily break or deteriorate. This applies to all vessels which hold the hosts, such as the paten, the ciborium, the pyx, the monstrance, and other things of this kind.
I don’t think the baggies qualify under either instruction.
Update. Fr Fanta has an updated video. He will now NOT be distributing the Holy Eucharist in plastic bags after a call from his Diocese.

Good to know Fr. Oleksiak, the Diocesan administrator (they’re currently between bishops), is on top of things.

I would add that this is not a normal thing for the Diocese of Cleveland. Most of the pastors there, in my experience, are straight arrows. My pastor there is on the Diocesan “college of consultors” (<—corrected to proper name) and I know for a fact he would hit the ceiling if anyone proposed this. I have no idea how this Fr Fanta came up with this harebrained idea or why he thought it was okay.
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I’m really not sure what he was thinking. Maybe not thinking it through.
From what I have read online, it appears his parishioners came up with the idea. Shaker Heights is full of doctors and other medical professionals because it’s a rich suburb close to the Cleveland Clinic and a major university/ med school. The docs were all worried about disease transmission.

This sort of thing is why I prefer to hang around in the working-class ethnic parishes where people may not have fancy degrees (though a lot of their kids do) but have the good sense to know that drive-through “baggie Communion” is not okay.
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The last time I received communion the EM “dropped” it into my hand without making skin-to-skin contact.
Some churches are requesting that you cup your hands so the Eucharist can be dropped in without touching your hand.

Our church has no opening date at this time. We are in Phase 2, but the majority of our parishioners are elderly, so I think our pastor is not taking chances. Confession is available though.
The TLM-only Church near me has said they will still only allow reception on the tongue.
If you have a priest who is only distributing Holy Communion on the tongue and habitually that is all he does, he is usually so skilled at doing it that he will not be contacting saliva. Having everyone kneeling at a rail is also helpful in this regard.
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Yeah, I suspect this in the case. This is an FSSP parish, so this is what they do.
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