maxk said:[The bold emphasis is mine.]
Aren’t we all describing the Sacrament of Confirmation? Both genders of laity are consecrated by the Bishop using the sacred oils to do our special ministry in the Church. Perhaps what we really need is a revitalization of the understanding of graces given to all of us at confirmation. Also a legitimate understanding of the role of the laity in the world (not just in the sacristy) is needed (a la Christifidelis laici).
Maxk, yes, YES, YES!!! The lay vocation has just as great a dignity as the priestly vocation in the eyes of God. It is truly a shame that the issue has been made one of power. Are we not all here to serve?? “Christ did not deem equality with God something to be grasped.” (sorry I don’t have chapter and verse) Shouldn’t we follow suit and not grasp for power?