Rice Approved 16-2

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Condi Rice was approved as Secretery of State by a vote of 16-2. The two opposing votes were, not surprisingly, Barbara Boxer and our old friend(?) John Kerry.
Boxer because she’s genuinely a loser, and Kerry because he’s disingenuous, and therefore, a loser.
I think John Kerry voted for her…before he voted against her.
Yes the two, the proud, the nuts. Good grief one of the FEW meetings Senator Kerry attends and once again he distinguishes himself as a smarmy opportunist.

Read Michael Medved’s book “Right Turns” and you realize that Senator Kerry has been the same protean creature since he slithered out from under a rock. The description of Kerry as a college upperclassmen pontificating to the great unwashed lower life forms (known as freshmen) is worth the price of the book.

As to Boxer, where in the world did SHE come from?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
As to Boxer, where in the world did SHE come from?

Lisa N
California. Go figure. One is from Massachussets, the other from California. If Charles Schumer were part of the process, he would have voted no as well.
This was John Kerry’s shot to prove he was above all the politics and make an attempt at bi-partisian ship. He failed. This was an easy one too, everyone expects this to pass easily, no need for the bitterness, but I guess he can’t let it go.
Already got “Right Turns”?? I’m jealous!

I rarely buy a book until it’s in paperback, so unfortunately I’ll have to wait…(sorta like forgoing the $20 movie theatre experience to rent the movie for the whole family for $4???)

I heard Medved promoting his book on Hugh Hewitt a few weeks ago and heard his “Kerry at Yale” recollection. Very funny.

Any other tidbits to share from the book??
California. Go figure. One is from Massachussets, the other from California. If Charles Schumer were part of the process, he would have voted no as well.
I do believe you are correct about our Dear NY Sen. Schumer.

Good for Condi.
Lisa N:
Yes the two, the proud, the nuts. Good grief one of the FEW meetings Senator Kerry attends and once again he distinguishes himself as a smarmy opportunist.

Read Michael Medved’s book “Right Turns” and you realize that Senator Kerry has been the same protean creature since he slithered out from under a rock. The description of Kerry as a college upperclassmen pontificating to the great unwashed lower life forms (known as freshmen) is worth the price of the book.

As to Boxer, where in the world did SHE come from?

Lisa N
Even when he showed up he was an hour and a half late. I am soooo glad he is not president!
Already got “Right Turns”?? I’m jealous!

I rarely buy a book until it’s in paperback, so unfortunately I’ll have to wait…(sorta like forgoing the $20 movie theatre experience to rent the movie for the whole family for $4???)

I heard Medved promoting his book on Hugh Hewitt a few weeks ago and heard his “Kerry at Yale” recollection. Very funny.

Any other tidbits to share from the book??
Basically Medved’s light breezy and witty way with words make most chapters very entertaining. Some of the people in politics and the media are skewered in Medved’s subtle yet effective style. His description of meeting his (then) Catholic fiance’s parents was funny but the lessons learned about interfaith marriages and not appreciating your heritage were quite profound. He has several very moving sections including his grandparents’ determination to come to the United States and how his family represents the American dream. Also he has an excellent chapter outlining the abortion issue and how his views changed from those of a rather abmivalent college student to a strong pro life position as an adult. It’s worth reading even at 400+ pages.

Lisa N
The Democrats (and I’m still registered as one) are engaging in posturing. There is no reason not to confirm Dr. Rice. It is my thinking that absent gross immorality or a well-substantiated instance of negligent incompetence, the President should be able to fill his cabinet with whom he chooses and the Senate confirmation would be fairly pro forma. There is a moral argument to be made for making judicial confirmations more rigorous, as judges are appointed for life…and unfortunately, most of the Democrats currently in office would use that moral argument to block solidly pro-life judicial candidates. The offices in the executive branch, however, have to function according to the mandate given the President. I think it is regretable that someone of Dr. Rice’s ability is being subjected to this…esp. by Senators Boxer and Kerry (who would be making the same argument I just laid out if he had won the election and HIS candidate was sitting in front of the committee). Not our finest moment.
The Democrats (and I’m still registered as one) are engaging in posturing. There is no reason not to confirm Dr. Rice. It is my thinking that absent gross immorality or a well-substantiated instance of negligent incompetence, the President should be able to fill his cabinet with whom he chooses and the Senate confirmation would be fairly pro forma. There is a moral argument to be made for making judicial confirmations more rigorous, as judges are appointed for life…and unfortunately, most of the Democrats currently in office would use that moral argument to block solidly pro-life judicial candidates. The offices in the executive branch, however, have to function according to the mandate given the President. I think it is regretable that someone of Dr. Rice’s ability is being subjected to this…esp. by Senators Boxer and Kerry (who would be making the same argument I just laid out if he had won the election and HIS candidate was sitting in front of the committee). Not our finest moment.
If the Dem’s had more people like you and fewer like Boxer and Kerry they would be stronger and more likely to win a presidential election.
California. Go figure. One is from Massachussets, the other from California. If Charles Schumer were part of the process, he would have voted no as well.
Boxer’s a Californian by way of NYC–she’s a creature of both
If the Dem’s had more people like you and fewer like Boxer and Kerry they would be stronger and more likely to win a presidential election.

Thanks. I doubt they’ll be swinging center any time soon, though.
Gee, why even HOLD hearings then?

It was obviously a protest vote against the conduct of the war. She is clearly going to get confirmed.

Did you think so, John? I didn’t get that impression. I thought it was grandstanding. They’d already said they weren’t going to deny confirmation, hadn’t they?
Now if we could get some good pro-life laws on the books, or Condi swings more pro-life (last I read she considered herself "mildly pro-choice), RICE2008! Our first woman, and second black president. I’d love to see how the dems would play it.
Now if we could get some good pro-life laws on the books, or Condi swings more pro-life (last I read she considered herself "mildly pro-choice), RICE2008! Our first woman, and second black president. I’d love to see how the dems would play it.
Sorry, to whom are you refering?
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