My very wise Mother used to tell us, (before going to Confession.) You can fool me, you might even be able to fool Father. BUT you will NEVER be able to fool GOD. Make a sincere Confession.That doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do, weed legalization isn’t the right thing to do and yet a drug that messes up reason is being legalized for stupid reasons. Why do we need pot heads walking around everywhere? I am only sorta new to this but I will give you what I noticed to be right, no matter what box you put it in, gay marriage will always be wrong, you can say it is their right, but no matter what I won’t allow it because marriage is between a man and a woman. That is why marriage was invented, strictly for those 2 people male and female. If you change it, it just allows others to redefine the original marriage of it.
One question I have for the forums is that if two male and females get married but can’t have kids does that destruct the meaning of marriage, since a lot of people here said it was for procreation? What would be the meaning of it in this case? Please respond to this. I don’t like arguing.
We seem to be trying to fool GOD in many ways, but it won’t work. God Bless, Memaw