The question is “who does the will of God”? Only God would be qualified to decide that, if only he would not be so bashful. (Side question: “why is God so shy”? Is he ashamed of his actions or non-actions?)
Your point ONLY holds if you dismiss entirely that Jesus was God. YET, he was pretty clear about those who are ashamed of his actions, of being too bashful to be like him or to be known to associate with him, since his way is the antithesis of what our pride and self-love expects from us.
The will of God is plainly laid out by Jesus in the Gospels and in Church teaching. There is no ambiguity. What is left is for us to carry out his will, unashamedly.
Why is God, apparently, so “shy?”
I was thinking about that very question this morning.
I would suggest it comes down to the requirement to show our mettle. When we stand alone for the truth – for the good – for its own sake, we demonstrate what God is looking for from us. We are meant to be like him precisely because we are made in the Imago Dei, and THAT means he exists as pure act – I AM WHO AM. That is the “model” of life for us who live out what it means to be made in his image. He positively wants us to stand alone in the truth – to stand erect. Think about God’s question to Cain before he killed Abel - “Why are your eyes downcast?” Cain was permitting the Father of Lies to have a go at his integrity.
God works in hidden ways and provides, mysteriously, the power and grace for us to do what is required, but our having reached his “standard” (the kind of strength of character he is looking for) is that we are willing to do so no matter what the consequences to us, no matter what the conditions around us. Think about how Paul or Peter were martyred and why God would have expected them to have suffered the fates they did.
If our living out the requirements of goodness, justice and truth depend entirely upon being scaffolded or bolstered in some demonstrable or obvious way by God every second then we are not integrally strong – which is what God is looking for: for us to be truly good, truthful and just, not merely contingently or dependently so, reliant upon whether we will be supported by outside structures or prosthetics. This is why faith, trust and fortitude are requirements to live out the Gospel – we don’t depend upon the “training wheels” of constant external assurance when the situation gets a little challenging. The strength is entirely “within us” and integral to us because God, fundamentally is within our minds, our hearts and our bodies in the very essence and nature of what it means to be. Relying upon outside “signals” would imply we are yet spiritual “babes” with dependency issues.
His remaining “hidden” is analogous to the parent who steps away from his child learning to ride a bike on their own – the parent rejoices when the child shows independence and the skill to ride “alone” that they have been working on. It also shows the child trusts himself and trusts that the greater vision the parent has for him/her will be fulfilled. This kind of “knowing trust” – operating at deeper levels than the externally obvious – is what faith is all about. It is at the level of a reality that those who rely upon third party demonstrable evidence for assurance will never know about – but is known, implicitly, by those with the courage to live by the supernatural virtues of faith, hope and charity.
I would venture that finding that kind of meaningful existence is the reason you show up on these forums challenging others to show their “mettle.” You are looking for what you haven’t known but have an inkling of some kind that it exists, you are just not sure where to find it.