I remember about 5 or 6 years ago, I was sitting down with a few Priests and a few laymen discussing theology, when one lay person asked the Priest if he thought the earth revolved around the sun or vica versa. When he asked the question, I thought he was joking. Everyone knows the earth revolves around the sun. Then, when the Priest said “I don’t know” I was shocked. I remember thinking “wasn’t this settled hundreds of years ago”. For a split moment I kind of felt like I was in the twilight zone.
From that day forward, I began to think about it, and I have come to the same conclusion as the Priest: There is no way to tell for certain whether the earth revolves around the sun, or the sun around the earth. We have all seen pictures of the solar system with the sun fixed and all teh planets revolving around it. However, there is no way to know if the sun is fixed for not, since all planets are floating in space. From the perspective of the earth (where we stand) everything revolves around us. I have found that scientists also admit that there is not way to say for sure what revolves aroung what.
This is an example that I have used when considering the subject. Try to follow it. Consider a model of our solar system. with all the planets floating in the air and revolving around the sun (the sun being fixed). Now while the planets are all floating around in their proper motions, someone grabs hold of the earth, which causes the other planets to revolve around it (although the patern is exactly the same). In other words, the planets will still maintain their exact same motion whether the sun is fixed, or the earth, so there is no way to tell what the center is.
I was also surprised to learn that when NASA does its calculations for space travel, they do them based on the EARTH as the center of our solar system.
In conclusion, from a scientific standpoint, there is really no way to tell what the center or our solar system is, since all of the planets are floating in the air.