Roe v Wade will it be overturned?

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Drew Mariani is on Relevant Radio right now, go on the internet to find it if they don’t broadcast in your state. He is having a pro life show and he just said, he thinks we will overturn Roe v. Wade.
Norma is talking now.

They have a listen live icon on the top of the page. It is a great station.
If it is ever overturned, Roe v. Wade will be reinstated shortly thereafter.


Because of artificial contraception.

What do I mean?


Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 for a reason: It was about a decade after The Pill began to be marketed. This is not a coincidence.

In the year that The Pill was approved, abortion demand was minimal.

As The Pill sales rose, demand for abortions got bigger and bigger and bigger, until demand boomed, and the Courts gave in.

Why did demand for abortions boom? Shouldn’t it have dropped to zero?

Here’s what happened: In the larger social context of sexual competition among fertile people, young people equipped with contraceptives began to demand, and to provide, risk-free sexual pleasure.

Our society gradually became imprinted with an ethos of entitlement to sexual pleasure, powerfully reinforced by the sexual pleasure itself.

The massive self-reinforcing social ethos, which has a life of its own quite independent of access to The Pill and other contraceptives, merans that every time, among tens of millions of seexual contacts each year, there is a contraception failure, the ethos will tempt the promiscuos parent to murder his or her offspring.

The parents who seek the abortions are the ones who decide to kill.

So long as birth control is “out there,” the ethos of entitlement to risk-free sexual pleasure will be out there.

So long as that ethos is out there, the demand for abortions will be giant.
Perhaps it will. Children are a very important part of human life. The idea is catching on that the fetus is not just a bunch of protoplasm, but is actually human from the moment of conception. It is so much more evident today that promiscuity has many risks. We’ll see. I am very hopeful…

Great post, thanks for the insight. What can we do to solve the problem?
I think the pro-abortion crowd is more and more being forced to deal with the fact that the fetus is a person. In the Peterson trial people were upset about that she was pregnant. Why? She can terminate the pregancy so what is the big deal?

Also the logical conclusion of abortion is being reached–the idea that the mother should be able to kill the baby up to 48 hours after birth.

Why does location mater? If the baby really is going to be a burden on everyone, why not after birth as well?

Great post, thanks for the insight. What can we do to solve the problem?
Hi, Chrisg93.

In asking that question, note how deep the problem goes…

A relatively reliable federally-financed study says that 73.5% of fertile married Roman Catholic couples who are regular church-goers use contraceptives.

Note also that far, far vaster Church resources are dedicated to pro-life efforts than to killing the engine underlying the enormous social demand for abortion: The contraceptive ethos.

In our Diocese, about 5 years ago, the Bishop ordered every single priest in the Diocese, in writing, to dedicate his homily on a particular to condemning contraception

One-third of the priests disobeyed. Young marrieds all over the Diocese got up and walked out of church in the middle of the homilies. Hundreds of letters complaining about the homilies were received by the bishop’s office.

The experiment has never been repeated.
BibleReader–thanks for pointing out the inevitable connection between artificial contraception and abortion. Pope Paul VI predicted this and other deleterious effects which have actually come to pass, in Humanae Vitae.

The secular culture told us that birth control would reduce the need for abortion. It didn’t. It maximized it, for the reasons you have pointed out.

The U.S. Supreme Court came close to overturning Roe v Wade. One of the stated reasons it didn’t was that since 1973, people have come to rely on abortion, and they couldn’t take it away from them.
In our Diocese, about 5 years ago, the Bishop ordered every single priest in the Diocese, in writing, to dedicate his homily on a particular to condemning contraception

One-third of the priests disobeyed. Young marrieds all over the Diocese got up and walked out of church in the middle of the homilies. Hundreds of letters complaining about the homilies were received by the bishop’s office.

The experiment has never been repeated.
Why does “He will separate the sheep from the goats” come to mind?
Hi, Chrisg93.

In asking that question, note how deep the problem goes…

A relatively reliable federally-financed study says that 73.5% of fertile married Roman Catholic couples who are regular church-goers use contraceptives.

Note also that far, far vaster Church resources are dedicated to pro-life efforts than to killing the engine underlying the enormous social demand for abortion: The contraceptive ethos.

In our Diocese, about 5 years ago, the Bishop ordered every single priest in the Diocese, in writing, to dedicate his homily on a particular to condemning contraception

One-third of the priests disobeyed. Young marrieds all over the Diocese got up and walked out of church in the middle of the homilies. Hundreds of letters complaining about the homilies were received by the bishop’s office.

The experiment has never been repeated.
Perhaps what could be done is to have a Parish Mission in which Humanae Vitae could be discussed looking at hard statistics from independent third parties to prove Pope Paul IV was correct. This can be done without condeming anyone currently using contraceptives. If parishioners still walk out it is due to the fact that they don’t like the truth. However, it doesn’t mean they are lost to the church; they have been shocked. As long as people are reminded that sins can be forgiven in the confessional, they have nothing to fear from the Church. The Church is simply evangelizing.
Any thoughts?
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