Rosaries as a Fashion Accessory?

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I can’t believe this, you can’t wear rosarys around your neck for one and for two these types of things give catholics a bad name. Shame On Them!
Surprising, and unfortunate. I mean … if they aren’t Catholic, why would they wear a rosary around their neck in the first place? And if they’re Catholic, don’t they know it’s not proper to do that? I’m not the most well-read apologist around, but even I know that.
Surprising, and unfortunate. I mean … if they aren’t Catholic, why would they wear a rosary around their neck in the first place? And if they’re Catholic, don’t they know it’s not proper to do that? I’m not the most well-read apologist around, but even I know that.
Well, you have to admit, there isn’t much that is more beautiful than the Rosary. Now if they could just learn the prayers…:rolleyes:
Maybe someone can help me how to tell my mom she shouldn’t wear her rosary around her neck. My dad just died in January and I think the rosary just gives her comfort. HELP! I just don’t know how to tell her kindly or if I even should.
Honestly I would never say a thing to your mom about such a thing. Who does it hurt if she wears hers?
I suppose it is better to wearing the alternatives around their neck , like flashy horrible diamonds or pearls.

sigh who would want diamonds or pearls :whistle:
Honestly I would never say a thing to your mom about such a thing. Who does it hurt if she wears hers?
Thank you, darcee. I’m not sure if I should say anything either. 🙂
Maybe someone can help me how to tell my mom she shouldn’t wear her rosary around her neck. My dad just died in January and I think the rosary just gives her comfort. HELP! I just don’t know how to tell her kindly or if I even should.
If it gives your mother comfort, I wouldn’t worry about it. It has always been customary among devout Catholics in parts of Europe and Latin America to wear rosaries around the neck or attached to the belt.
I really think it’s all in the intention of the one wearing it. Your mother wearing one and finding comfort in it is a form of piety that we should respect. Some rocker putting one on for all the wrong reasons is quite another. Perhaps with all the visability someone will figure out what they’re really for. As they say, “God writes straight with crooked lines.”
Maybe someone can help me how to tell my mom she shouldn’t wear her rosary around her neck. My dad just died in January and I think the rosary just gives her comfort. HELP! I just don’t know how to tell her kindly or if I even should.
Dear Whatadeecee, first let me offer my condolences on the passing of your Dad. I’ll include him in my prayers.

As you know we all grieve in our own ways. This is just part of how your own mother grieves. And maybe this is how your mom grieves especially the death of her spouse because:

A. it naturally makes all kinds of sense to her to do that

B. feeling the weight of the rosary against her skin is a comfort to her in ways other than a regular necklace

C. somehow it’s a witness or statement of some kind that she’s making – or even just reinforcing to herself – for how close Mary and Jesus are to her, especially in this time

D. all of the above

I vote for “D”. 👍

It’s sweet of you – and very understandable – to be so concerned that she’s wearing a rosary around her neck (especially because we don’t normally see people do that).

But there’s no way that I can even imagine that Jesus, or our Lady, is taking this as an insult. :o
Detroit Sue:
Well, you have to admit, there isn’t much that is more beautiful than the Rosary. Now if they could just learn the prayers…:rolleyes:
I know that after (at her request) I taught the rosary to a “baptized Mormon” friend of mine who’d kicked the LDS out of her home years before… and considered herself no longer a Mormon but enjoyed coming to Mass with me…

she asked me tentatively whether it was a sin to wear the rosary around her neck? :confused:

I thought a few moments, then asked her why it was she was wearing it? :o

Her reply: Because I want to belong to Mary! It feels like she’s hugging me when have the rosary around my neck. Is that okay?

…of course, at first I had no answer. There was easy no way to say in words **HOW VERY OKAY IT WAS!!! ** So, I just told her: Definitely YES!! 👍 : :tiphat: :dancing:

Not long after, she joined RCIA and I was blessed that she asked me to be her sponsor.

:clapping: :dancing:
Tyler Smedley:
I can’t believe this, you can’t wear rosarys around your neck for one and for two these types of things give catholics a bad name. Shame On Them!
Um… who’s to say it’s devout Catholics doing this? We get all sorts of un-earned bad press (false witness)?
I suppose it is better to wearing the alternatives around their neck , like flashy horrible diamonds or pearls.

sigh who would want diamonds or pearls :whistle:
I must be an unusual woman… because I don’t want diamonds or pearls. Nor furs. Even though I do NOT have an aversion to wearing animal fur under any circumstances, I rejected my husband’s sincere offer to buy me a fur. Jewelry and furs are just not my bag.

Now, CASH, on the other hand… :twocents:

Actually, there is such a thing as a “rosary necklace” that has a clip. I got to this page from the Web page that has that article that started this thread.

Now that I know that there IS such a thing as a “rosary necklace,” I’m thinking of getting one.

Considering that around where I live people who are not a “religious” (brother or sister) wear crucifixes (sometimes very predominantly) on a chain around their necks, I’m not sure that it would necessarily be very much more noticeable if I wore a rosary necklace.

Though, it might be seen as piece of jewelry… or bragging about being a Catholic… hmmm: I’ll have to think this over.

Actually, it would make all kinds of pratical sense for me to get a rosary necklace because the lttle bag that holds my rosary in my pants pocket bulges more than the rosary itself takes. But because I put other things in my pocket, too… like my keys… I don’t want to inadvertently break my rosary when/if it gets caught up in my keychain. I could just unlatch my necklace and say the rosary, then latch it back on when I’m done.

I wouldn’t want to spend money that could be used for the poor to get the expensive gold one… but the sterling silver one could be okay… : :bible1: :gopray2:
Robert Simmons:
Perhaps with all the visability someone will figure out what they’re really for. As they say, “God writes straight with crooked lines.”
There ya go! :clapping:
It has always been customary among devout Catholics in parts of Europe and Latin America to wear rosaries around the neck or attached to the belt.
Didn’t know that. Thanks!!
Thank you so much for everyone’s help. I’m going to look into the rosary necklace as well.

I think that if you wear a rosay around your neck for faith or comfort in God that’s okay. As a fashion statement No Way!

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